Chapter 1- Nightmares

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Katniss POV

I woke up screaming from a nap and expecting for Peeta to be right next to me. But he wasn't. I got right up and was walking around the house looking for Peeta. I had just remembered Peeta was in the shower. I knock On the door and yell to Peeta loudly " Peeta I am coming in." I hear Peeta yell back " Katniss no" but I interrupt him by opening the door. Peeta just stands there in the shower looking at me with his mouth wide open.

Peeta's POV

Katniss just walked in on me and I cannot believe she did that. Right now I am just looking at her with my jaw wide open. I feel the shower water still coming down on my head and I feel my face turning as red as a tomato. Then Katniss steps in the shower with me. All of the sudden she hugs. I am naked and it is really awkward for me. I ask Katniss "Why did you barge in here all of the sudden and why are you hugging me while I am naked?" Katniss then eventually's answers me after a couple minutes of silence. She starts crying and says " I had a nightmare and I lost you and you were dead!" She says sobbing. I then put my arms around her and hug her back. We just keep standing there hugging each other for a long time. I do not want it to end.

Katniss POV

I then let go of Peeta and look at Peeta in the eye and I say "I am sorry for barging in on you like that, but I just got so scared that I lost you forever." Peeta says " It's okay." I ask him then " Why did you not come to me when I screamed." He said " I couldn't hear you over the shower water. Sorry" then we kiss and I get butterflies in my stomach. I then say " I will be waiting in our room for you because it is getting late." Peeta just looks at me we I walk out.

Peeta's POV

Katniss then walks out. I continue taking my shower. I then step out of the shower and I still in the bathroom drying myself off. Then I was about to get dressed but then I realized that my clothes were not in the bathroom. Shoot, I think to myself. I then wrap a towel around my waist and I think here goes nothing.

Sorry if this is not the best bc it is my first fanfic! More chapters will be coming out!! Pls enjoy!

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