Chapter 29- Rolling

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Peeta's POV

We look back at the doctor and he continues to talk.

"I am going to go get Katniss's wheelchair and medicine. While I do that you can sigh these relates papers Mr.Mellark?" He says.

"Yeah sure." I respond.

He hands me the paper and the pen and I sign them. He leaves the room and Katniss closes her eyes. She is probably tired but I still wonder what was she thinking about before we went to bed? I wonder I it has anything to do with this? I think to myself. I then walk over to Katniss's and start pushing her.

"Alright let's get out of here." I say and she agrees.

I roll Katniss out of the hospital to our car while also carrying all of the medicine she needs to take. Once we get to the car I unlock the doors and I lift Katniss up carefully to get her in the car and when I do I feel her nice and I keep trying to tell myself that it is not my fault. Once I put her in the car I buckle her up and then I fold up the wheelchair and put it in the trunk.

I walk over t the front seat and I get in and then I start the car. Once I start driving home Katniss takes my hand in her hand. I look over at her and she gives me a small smile and I give here a small smile back. Once we get home I get out of the car and grab Katniss's wheelchair and then I roll it up to her. I lift her up out of the car and put her in the wheelchair.

"Thank you Peeta." She says when I start rolling her into the house.

"It is okay Katniss." I say back. I get out my keys for the house and once I do I unlock the door and roll her inside. Once we get inside I roll her out to the living room and I pick her up out of her wheelchair and lay her on the couch.

"Are you hungry?"

"No." She responds.

I then take a seat on the floor right next to the couch so my face is even with her face. I grab her hand and hold it. I am going to ask what she was thinking about now because it is really bothering me and I really badly want to know what she was thinking about.


"Yeah Peeta?"

"Um uh... What were you thinking about yesterday night? And do not respond with nothing or I forgot because you promised me that you would tell me today."

As soon as I say that her head turns away from me and turns the other direction so I could not see her face. I hear some whimpers almost Ike she is crying and then she takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"Well uh... Peeta do you promise not to get mad at me?" She asks.

"I promise I won't Katniss." I say. After I say that she starts talking again.

"Do you remember dinner at the restaurant and the girl that was our waitress?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask curious.

"Well um I was you know like uh thinking abut her. I was thinking about what she has that makes her perfect and what I have that makes me not perfect and completely broken. I mean Peeta I do not kno if you ge this but society is hard for us girls. They tell you how tall you should be, how much you should weigh, what color your eyes should be, what color your hair should be and most of all what boys look for in girls." She says and her voice cracks at the end and I hear her crying softly.

I think it is very stupid about all of this society stuff. I mean girls are perfect the way that they are and they should not change who they are because I of some society crap.

"Katniss don't listen to them please. Your height is perfect for me, I do not know how much you weigh but you look good to me, your are he most beautiful thing in this world, your hair is very pretty and a remembering color and the last one about what boys look in girl that is overrated. You are the best thing that had ever happened to me. Don't you dare listen to them. Promise me Katniss?"

She turns around so she is facing me and there are black lines running down her face. Wonder what that is. She then looks me right in the eyes and says "I promise." Once she says that it makes me smile.

"Um Kat not to be rude or anything but what are these black lines running down your face?" I ask infused and a little bit curious.

"Um don't get mad but I uh might have a little bit of makeup on." She states and when she does I become disappointed and a little bit mad because I she does not need makeup. She is beautiful the way she is.

"Peeta are you mad?" Sh asks quietly.

"A little, but I am mostly disappointed because you door not need makeup, you are pretty the way you are." I tell her.

"I am going to go make some soup." I mumble and walk out of the room. I start getting it a pan and I grab the soup and start making it.

Katniss's POV

"I am going to make some some soup." Peeta mumbles and he gets up and walks to the kitchen. I feel so lonely now. I mean I really wish Peeta understood. I feel really bad and I try to say something but it comes out quietly. I try again to talk louder but it does not work.

I turn my head around to try and find where he put my wheelchair and it is about 4 feet in front of me. I try moving over to grab it but I end up falling on the floor and I groan in pain. I then start seeing black dots and I here heavy foot steps coming my way. right before I black out the last thing I see is bright blue eyes that belong to Peeta.

I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATING THIS BOOK!!!! I am on summer break so I have been very busy. I also have been working on another book called 'Stepnrother' a lot recently. I will try to update very very very very soon!! Pls comment what you think of this book bc your guys comments always make me smile ❤️❤️❤️

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