Chapter 11- What?

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Peeta's POV

The lady threw something at Katniss in the stomach too then. She repeated what she said again. "Katniss you suck so much. You would have been a bad mother! You would not have even had "that" with Peeta to make the baby! You are so scared,ugly and terrible. You are very worthless to everyone. YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN A TERRIBLE MOM!" The women screams. The lady runs away and I look at her. Then I remember about Katniss. I pick her up right away and go to the doctors.

"My wife! Help!" They take Katniss in a room right away. Katniss is crying,clenching her stomach and puking and it will not stop. I start crying then. "Peeta we will have to run a couple of tests on Katniss. Do you want to stay?" The doctor says. "Yes. Thank you." They take the tests on Katniss. "Mr.Mellark can we talk with you in another room?" "I guess." Katniss is asleep so she will not know. I leave the room and walk with the Doctor.

"Mr. Mellark I am afraid your girlfriend has cancer."


"Peeta let me explain first. She just started cancer I think. It is very small so we can do surgery on her right now to get rid of it."

"So you can rid of it?"

"Yes we can. We are going to do surgery now so it does not get worse. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes as long as it makes her better."

"It will."

The doctor goes to Katniss's room and does the surgery. After they are done I walk in. Katniss wakes up and asks what happened. I told her what happened and why she got surgery. "Oh did the cancer go away now?" "Yes it did beautiful. But we have to stay here for 3 more days so they make sure you are all good."

"Peeta all that stuff that the lady shouted is true and I know it. My mom used to tell I am worthless and she was right. Do not tell me that I am wrong because we both know that I am right."

"Katniss you are NOT worthless at all! You are great girl. Katniss you are not worthless! How many times do I have to tell you that. Even if you do not mean anything to others you mean something to me. I would do anything for you. You are the best thing that every happened in my life."

A tear escapes my eye and Katniss wipes it off my face. "I love you Peeta." "I love you too Katniss." We end up kissing until we need a breath of air. I liked the kiss very very much. I think Katniss liked it too.

"Peeta my mom would used tell me I am worthless."

" I can sorta connect to that Katniss but in a much worse way. You cannot tell anyone else that I am telling you this though."

"I promise I will not tell Peeta."

"Okay here it goes. My mom used to beat me when I was little because she wanted a girl. That is why I did not go to school for one whole month because I had a huge bruise on my head. I have a scar on my back too. Also when I was 15 so a year before the games she hit me somewhere."

"Where Peeta?!"

"Um...... In the spot where the sun does not shine. But I am fine now.

"Oh." Is all she says.

"Oh Katniss and they canceled the rest of the victory tour after of what has been happening to you." "YES!!!" She screams. "But we are going to stay in the Capitol for seven days then after you can leave this place. Do not worry I am all better there. I figured out how to control all of my anger." "Okay good."

3 days forward so Katniss get out

Peeta's POV

Yes! I scream in my head. Today Katniss gets out of the hospital and they take the cast off her arm. Katniss eyes flutter open because she was sleeping. "Katniss you leave today!" She immeaditly sits up and hugs me. "FINALLY!" She says. Dr.Ann walks in. "Katniss I am going to take the cast off of your arm and then you can leave." "Okay." Dr.Ann takes a tool and cuts Katniss's cast open and take it off. "Katniss you will have to wear this black brace around your wrist for about week so it does not get hurt more." "Okay Dr.Ann" she's says.

"Thank you so much for everything!"

"No problem Katniss. Peeta can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Yeah sure. I will be right back Katniss."

"Peeta if you notice Katniss is still throwing up and does not stop in a few days let me know."

"Okay thank you for everything!"

I walk back in the room and Katniss I standing up. "I am ready to leave!" "Me too beautiful." We walk to the train because we are going to the Capitol for a week. We get on the train and it does not ale long to get there. We get off the train and go into the Capitol and into our bedroom. It is after dinner and me and Katniss were not hungry so we did not have anything for dinner. I changed into pj's and I caught Katniss staring at me in my boxers. "So Katniss what are you lookin at?"

Sorry I have not updated as much recently I just had lots of hw this weekend and I have school!!! I will TRY to update tomorrow. Comment what think about my story so far.😘❤️

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