Chapter 20- Drunk

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Peeta's POV

"Mr. Mellark, Mrs. Mellark is okay. She cut herself very bad with the razor but she did not loose enough blood to go into a come and that. She will have to stay here for a week because she has scars all over her and I want to makesure she stops cutting. I also want to see if she has promenade with her neck and we need to get food in her because she is as skinny as a toothpick."The dr. Says.

"May I go see her Dr.?"

"Yeah sure. She is in room 721."

"Okay. Thank you so much!"

I then run down the hallways trying o find room 207. I then find it and I take a deep breath before I open the door. I open it and I see her connected to tubes and wires. She has no neck brace but a wrap around her throat. She is in her gown with pants on underneath. I then see that she notices me.

"Peeta." She says in a croaky voice.

"Hey Katniss." I say with a sad tone.

"Peeta I am so sorry and this time I mean it for real. Can you please forgive me?"

"Yes I can forgive you Katniss."

I then lean in for kiss and before I know it her soft lips are on mine. I missed her kisses so much. We then stop and I get her some water to drink. She then closes her eyes and falls asleep. I watch her sleep and she looks so peaceful like she is in a happy dream. Then the doctor comes in and says she would like to talk to Katniss. I wake Katniss awake and she yawns and sits up in her bed. Her Dr. Is a girl so I am the only guy in the room. Awkward. Then the dr. starts asking Katniss some questions.

"Katniss, are you hungry?"

"No." She says.

"Does your stomach hurt?"

"Nope not at all."

"Have you been drinking water?"


Then the Dr. Thinks for a moment.

"Katniss can you please take off your gown? Also do you have bra under it?"

I feel my face turning red because they are both girls and I am the only boy.

Katniss's POV

"Katniss can you please take off your gown? Also do you have bra under it?"

"Y-yeah I can take off my gown and I have a bra under it. But can I ask why?"

"Well I want to pick on your stomach and see if it hurts and I also want to look at it."

What about the scars! She will see all my scars on me!!! Peeta has seen them but he has not seen some words on there on my back. The doctor has seen every scar I have but not Peeta.I think in my head. I then see Peeta getting up leaving the room.

"Peeta why are you leavening?"

"Katniss I saw the expression on the face that you were nervous. It's okay. I understand that girls need the privacy."

"Peeta I do not care if you see me in my bra. You saw me in it before. Now get your butt back over here. Peeta do not
Get mad at me for writing something on my back that you did not see yet.

Peeta bids his head and takes a seat right next to my bed and the doctor closes the door. I then take off my nightgown leaving me in my bra and pants. First the doctor has me lay down on my back and when she pushes on my stomach she asks if it hurts and it does not so I say no.

"Katniss now please lay on your stomach so I can look at your back."

I am now laying on my stomach and I see Peeta's mouth drop.

"Katniss!" Peeta screams.

"Y-y-yeah Peeta?"

"Why would you write that on your back? Why,why,why,why,why?!"

"Peeta I wrote it because I thought that you were going to die. So I thought that it was better to kill me know then watch you go through all that pain."

I wrote "KILL ME!" On my back.

Peeta pushes his chair and walks out of the room. Before he leaves I hear him mumble "whatever. I do not care if you die." I start sobbing and the doctor comforts me for hours. When it is nighttime I try to fall asleep but there is a big hole in my heart. I cannot stop crying no matter what. I miss his strong arms being wrapped around me. I end up crying my self to sleep.

Peeta's POV

Katniss just blew it. She keeps saying sorry but she just never means it. I head over I Haymitch's house and I explain everything. I drink three bottles of beer along with some alcohol. I am pretty drink right now. When I am walking across town I am so drunk I bump into someone. I help her up. We introduce ourselves and then I kiss her and bring her over to my house.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say who inspired me to write these books. The first book I read on Wattpad was pure Tories and I love it!!! The person who wrote it inspired me to write my own so I wanted to thank rueslegacy so thank you! DO U GUYS STILL LIKE THIS BOOK????!!!!😌

Katniss and Peeta- one year laterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant