Chapter 16-Is it really you?

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Peeta's POV

"ANNIE!" Me and Katniss both scream at the same time. Then we all do a group hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" Says Annie.

Katniss responds "Peeta decided to take me here for our honeymoon! What are you doing here?"

"Well I decide me and Finn needed a vacation."

I then say something. "Well how about we hang out. You girls can talk about your "Stuff" and I can play with Finn. Sounds good?"

"Yeah!" They both say in sync.

Annie then hands me Finn and I take him over to the water. Finn is now 2 years old and he can talk a little bit. We sit in the water finding rocks at it is very cold but whatever. We are having s blast. I look back and see the girls talking a lot and then I turn my attention back to Finn. He is holding a rock and he drops it and he likes it and we both laugh.

Katniss's POV

I look at the boys and I see how much fun Peeta is having with Finn. Peeta loves to play with kids a lot. I then return my focus back to Annie. We just keep talking about what is going on in our lives. About 2 hours later Peeta walks up to me and Annie holding Finn. He hands Finn back to Annie and she starts talking to Finn. I then look at Peeta. He is wearing green swim trunks and he still has all of his bandages around his chest and back. We both hug each other and say hi.

When we release from the hug my hand feels wet so I look at it and it is covered in blood and I scream. Peeta turns his attention right away to me and so does Annie.

"Katniss what's wrong?!"he asks

"Peeta turn around!" I say and he does.


"What Katniss?" He stays so calm.

"Our scar is bleeding a lot. We need to get you to the hospital!"

Peeta put his hand were the scar is in his back and when he look at his hand his eyes get big.

"Annie help!" I scream.

"Katniss I will go get my car with Finn and help Peeta walk to the car so we can get him to the hospital."

Annie runs up and get her cat and we place Peeta inside of it with his head on my lap. We get to the hospital and I scream for the nurses. They take Peeta to a room and lock me out. I am banging against the doors screaming but it is no use. Annie then finally calms me down. We are waiting in the waiting room and then a doctor walks up to us and ask

"Are you guys family of Mr. Mellark?"

"I am his wife and this is his really good friend. Is Peeta okay?"

"Well we found a pice of glass in his scar that was causing the bleeding so we took it out and the bleeding should stop soon. Would you like to see him?"

"Yes please."

The doctor leads us to Peeta's room. I see Peeta connected to all these wires and lots more wrapping stuff around his back and I break into tears. The doctor leaves me,Annie and Finn in Peeta's room. His eyes are closed and I am still sobbing and I put my hand over my face right by his bed. Then I hear a voice.

"Hey beautiful. Are you okay?" It is Peeta's voice and it is very cracky.

I then look up. "Peeta do not ask me if I am okay. The real question is are you okay?"

"In the back yes. But I am not okay because you are crying. What is wrong?" He says while rubbing my back.

Between sniffles manage to get out "Peeta I thought I lost you forever. I thought that you were going to die from losing so much blood!" And that is when I starts breaking into more tears.

" I am okay Katniss. I am here now." He says and I continue crying on him until I calm down. Then the doctor walks in. The face looks very familiar.

"Beetee is that you?" I say.

"Yep Katniss it is. It took you long enough to realize!" He says sarcastically. He gives me, Peeta, Annie and Finn a big hug.

"Okay let's get to the point. Peeta is all better now he just cannot run and he should get a lot of rest. Also you will have to keep these bandaged on you for 2 weeks at least to make sure everything heals fine. You can get met out today just take it easy." He says to Peeta.

"Oh and Katniss just sign these papers and then you can go. By the way he will have to take medicine every morning that will cause mood swings and cravings. One last thing is that Peeta has to be with someone at all times so he does not do anything crazy. Well it was nice seeing you guys again and I hope to see you soon."

"Thank you Beetee." I say. He gives everyone hugs and then leaves.

Peeta's POV

After Beetee leaves I the room I say "Come on guys lets get out of this place finally." Landis helps me get up and walk to the car. Annie and ask us were we are staying and we tell her. She is staying in the same hotel too. She drives us there and we find out her room is right next to ours.

"Peeta you should go to bed now." Katniss says.

"Okay." I get into my pj's and crawl in bed while Katniss is talking to Annie about who knows what and Finn is playing with his toys while watching TV at the same time. Finn looks exactly like Finnick. Me,Katniss an Annie all mid Finnick very very much. I know that he will always be in our heart. The. I close my eyes and sleep takes me from there.

Happy Valentine's Day guys!!😘

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