Chapter 23- Moving Back

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Katniss's POV

I get Peeta's text and look at it. I decide not to answer it though. I then cry myself to sleep and that is when the nightmares start.

Peeta's POV

I decide to fall asleep now because it is getting late. I close my eyes well sleep takes over me. I wake up to screaming and I am alert. It is not coming form Haymitch or me. I listen more carefully. Katniss is the one screaming because of the nightmares she gets. I can hear her though very clearly although we are in different houses. I try to fall asleep cut I can't. I just stay awake till morning. The sun comes up and I look at the time and it is 8:00 in the morning. I look at my phone to see if Katniss responded but she did not.

I go downstairs and I see a not from Haymith and it says he went out for the day. I just make my coffee and drink it while I look around Haymitches house. After I finish my coffee I go over to Katniss's house. I knock on the door and I get no response. I knock louder and wait but I do not hear a thing.

Katniss's POV

I hear Peeta banging on the door but I do not want to answer. I just keep laying there in my bed. The knocking stops so I am guessing he went home. But then my phone keep ringing and getting texted. It is Peeta and I am not going to answer. I hate Peeta now.

Peeta's POV

I go back to Haymitch's house and I call and text Kansia but she does not answer me. I the. Go up to my ro and I see a key. I forgot that I brought a key from Katniss's house with me. I grab the key and unlock her door. Everything was just the way it was whine I left. I start walking towards the stairs when I see broken vases all over the living room floor. I run up the stairs to her room and I knock on the door softly.

"Hey Katniss it is me Peeta." I say so she can hear me. "Can I come in?"

"NO! You broke my heart." She yells back. I try to open the door and it open's. She forgot to lock it I guess. I walk in and when she sees me she throws a pillow at me but I dodge it. I look at her and there is blood on her sheets and her face it red and puffy.

"Katniss I am so sorry!" I say and I break down and cry. "I did not want o leave but I did not want to hurt you anymore.

"It's okay Peeta. I am not afraid that you will hurt me. I will forgive you if you love back in with me." She says.

I get up and run out the door and pack my stuff up and run back over to Katniss and I agree to move back in. Her face lights up with a huge smile. The rest of the day we just watch movies.

Katniss's POV

Peeta and I are watching movies right now. My cuts sting and hurts a lot. I scratched myself with my very long nails and my arm started bleeding. It is still bleeding a lot but I pull down my sleeves so Peeta does not see. The movie is finally over and I yawn along with Peeta. He looks at me in the eyes.

"We should eat dinner." He says.

"Sure, but I do not want to get up." I say in a complaining voice. Peeta just chuckles at me.

"Fine then. Have it your way." Peeta says. He grabs my arm and then I wince. He knows that I have cuts now because I winded and a moan can out of my mouth. Uh no!

"KAT-" Peeta starts, but I run out of the house into the meadow before he could finish. I get to the meadow and sit down and I start sobbing. I am disappointed in myself and I am sure that Peeta is too. He is probably very sad and mad at me too. I know that Peeta will come looking for me but I just stay were I am. I lift up the sleeve of my shirts and look at what I have done to myself. What have I become? I ask myself over and over again. I hear footsteps and someone calling my name.


I turn around with tears in my eyes and I see a blurry Peeta because of the tears. He sees me looking at him do I turn my head back. I then hear him sit down next to me and I see his eyes travel to my arms. I keep the tears from falling. He just looks at the cuts in my arm. I cannot tell what he is thinking because his face and eyes are showing no emotion to me. I hate when I cannot tell how he is feeling. The tears are still in my eyes making everything I look at blurry.

"Katniss I you told me that you would not cut yourself anymore." Peeta says with a sad, angry and disappointed tone. I keep looking down at the grass.

"Peeta I did not cut myself. I scratched myself with my nails so that means that I kept the deal and I did not break it. I cannot help it Peeta. It is so hard for me to express my anger so I cut and that helps me." I say. I then notice that my face is wet so the tears must've started falling when I was talking.

Peeta picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

"PEETA! Where are you taking me?" I scream with tears running down my face. I am also getting so much blood on Peeta's white shirt.

"Katniss yo cannot say no to this because you need to be healthy.... I am taking you to the doctors so they can fix you." He says.

So he thinks I have problems?

I stop hitting him and I cry so hard. I look at his face and I knew that he regretted what he just said. He puts me down so he can talk to me.

"Katniss I did not mean it th-" he starts saying but I interrupt him.

"YOU THINK I HAVE PROBLEMS AND I NEED TO BE FIXED! HUH? WHOEVER HAS THE PROBLEMS IT IS YIU BECAUSE YOU ARE A MUTT THAT THE CAPITAL CREATED!" I yell with so many tears flowing from my face. I fall to the ground and while my eyes and I look at Peeta's eyes. They are still the light blue. He kneels down besides me.

" I am so sorry Katniss." He whispers to me.

" I am sorry to Peeta. You are never a mutt and it is not your fault. It is all Snow's and the capitols fault. I am sorry." I say while I wipe away the tears on my face.

"Are we good now?" He ask with a hopeful tone.

"Yes. Yes we are." I say and then I kiss him on the lips.

Peeta picks me up bridal style and he walks with me in his arms and I fell asleep. I wake up and I find myself in a bed. I open my eyes more and I am in the doctors office sitting in the bed. I look at the side of the bed and I see Peeta sleeping. Then there is knock on the door and a doctor comes in.

"Hello I am your doctor." He sad while waking up Peeta. Then Peeta wakes up and the first thing he says is "Is she ok?" He is talking about me and it makes me feel good. He really does love and care about me.

"Well we are going to give Katniss pills to help calm her down so she will not be as stressful and she will stop cutting." The doctor says.

"Yes! Thanks so much!" Peeta says.

"Katniss keep the bandages around your arms till tonight and then you can take them off. Also here are the pills and calm if you have any problems." The Doctor tell me.

"Thank you." I say and he nods and leaves my room.

"Let's leave Katniss." Peeta says while taking my hand. I get up off the bed and I grab my pills. Peeta and I walk home in silence and when we get home Peeta walks up to our room while I go into the kitchen and check the time. It is 9:00 pm. I should get ready for bed because I already ate at the doctors office. I first go to the bathroom and open up my drawer and put the pills in it. I then head to me and Peeta's room and the door is closed. I open the door and Peeta is facing me and he is completely naked. He has not shirt, pants or boxers on. He has nothing on.

Hey guys! This was a longer chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! What do you guys think of this book so far?❤️(I also made the picture at the top!!😊😊)

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