Chapter 7- I do

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Peeta's POV

It was now the morning. Katniss is right next to me but she is up already. Today I am going to pick out a tux with Haymitch and Katniss is going to pick out a wedding dress with Effie. It is 8:00 in the morning and we have to leave at 8:30.

"Come on Katniss we have to get ready!"

"Peeta I am ready. You have to get ready silly!"

I run into the bathroom and get changed very fast and brush through my hair. I don't look bad though. I went downstairs and ate breakfast with Katniss. We had leftovers. Effie knocks at the door and Katniss leaves. Right after they leave Haymitch comes to pick me up. "So Peeta where are we gonna go to get the tux?" "Um we are gonna go to Ted's tuxes! Come on!" Haymitch steps on the gas pedal and then we arrive at the mall. I see Katniss so me and Haymitch run into the store.

I see a great tux and try it on. It is completely white with a silver/gold pocket. This is the one I want. I grab it and try it on. "Wow son! You look good in that!" "Thanks Haymitch but is costs too much money." "Peeta me and Effie agreed to pay for your tux and Katniss's wedding dress, because we love you guys." I give Haymitch a huger hug. "Thank you so much Haymitch! Me and Katniss love you guys too! Now let's go home so I can make the cake for the wedding!" We get into the car and drive home.

Katniss's POV

I see a wedding dress that catches my eye. It stands out. It is so pretty and it is right on the top and a really big skirt sorta on the bottom. I grab it and try it on . "Effie I love it! What do you think?" "I love it too Katniss. You are going to show them what real Beaty looks like." "Thanks! It is too much money though." "Katniss me and Hatmitch decided to pay for your guys stuff. We love you!" "Thank you so much Effie!" We buy the dress pick out the shoes and go home.

Peeta's POV

Katniss comes back and I have finished the cake and went to the bakery to hide it. That night Effie and Haymitch stay for dinner. After they leave me and Katniss get dressed in our pj's and go to bed.

It is now the wedding day!!❤️😍

Peeta's POV

I wake up to a shaking bed. What the heck? I sit up and see Katniss jumping up and down. All of the sudden she screams "WE ARE GETTING MARRIED TODAY PEETA!" I am so excited. All if the sudden the stylists come in and grab Katniss. About a minute later my other stylists grab me. They put me in my tux and then I am standing there on the stage with the dude that gets me and Katniss married. Katniss walks out and my jaw drops. I try to close it but I just can't! She looks so beautiful!

Katniss's POV

"Thanks Haymitch."

"For what sweetheart?"

"Thank you for walking me down the isle because my dad is not here."

"Anytime Katniss. Just so you know your dad, Prim, Finnick and Rue are watch g you from up above."

I feel like k want to cry at what he just said but I hold back the tears. We start to walk out and I see Peeta's jaw drop. How embarrassing! I walk up to the stage next to Peeta. He then goes through all the stuff and me and Peeta say our vows. Finally!

"Peeta Mellark do you take Katniss Everdeen to be your wife?"

"I do" he says.

"Katniss Everdeen do you take Peeta Mellark to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Peeta you may now kiss the bride."

And Peeta does we kiss for a minute. The we go to the party. The rest of the night is filled with dancing and laughter!

Sorry this chapter was so short I had school today! The next update will probably be not tomorrow but the next day! I will TRY to update tomorrow!😘

Katniss and Peeta- one year laterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant