Chapter 3- Hold me

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Katniss POV

I am in bed now. Peeta is laying on the other side of the bed. It been about a 2 hours since I got in bed and I cannot fall asleep because I am afraid I will have more nightmares. I then shake Peeta awake and right away he yells " Katniss are you okay?!" "Yes I'm okay Peeta. I cannot fall asleep. I am afraid I will have another nightmare." Peeta then tells me " Come over here." I then get closer to Peeta, and I snuggle up against him. I lean my head on his chest and then he wraps his arms around me. Then I ask " Stay with me?"
"Always." I then listen to his heartbeat and eventually I drift off to sleep.

Peeta's POV

I wake up and I find Katniss all the way on the other side of the bed. I get up and I stretch. I walk down stairs quietly trying not to wake up Katniss. I start cooking pancakes. They are then finished a hour later and I walk back upstairs to me and Katniss's bedroom. She is still sleeping and it is 9:00 in the morning. Weird. I then get on the bed and kiss her. Her eyes start to flutter open.

"Good morning beautiful!" "Hey" she says back in a soft voice. Then all of the sudden Katniss gets up from the bed immediately and walks downstairs. I run after her. I ask her "Why are you such in a rush?" She says " I smell pancakes!" When she sees the pancakes she screams! She runs up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and says"Thank you so much Peeta!" I tell her it was not a big deal.

We then sit down and eat the pancakes. Afterward I am stuffed. I ask her then "Should we go get changed?" She says in a loud voice " race you there!" Of course Katniss beats me there like always. I ask her if she had any nightmares and she said "no." Katniss then asked me the same thing and I said "no" too. All of the sudden Katniss tackles me on the bed and lays on top of me, and starts kissing me full on the mouth.

I love it! I then switch it so then I am on top of her. This lasted for about a hour or so. We then get up and stretch and my stomach feels really weird.

Katniss's POV

I had just been kissing Peeta for about a hour and I loved it so much! I have butterflies in my stomach now. I ask Peeta " Do you want to get changed first or should I?" "Here why don't you change first." "Okay Peeta." I then get out my clothes and Peeta is still in our bedroom looking at me. I ask Peeta " Um Peeta I am going to change. So stop looking at me and close your eyes!" "Katniss I just can't help it." I am very surprised at what Peeta just said.

I say "Fine then. But if you see me get changed Peeta, then I get to watch you get changed. Deal?" "Deal." He says with a excited tone. I pull off my pj shirt and Peeta's jaw just dropped. He just kept sitting there and staring at me. I thought that is was kinda weird. I grabbed my regular shirt and put in on. Now I pulled down my pants and put some jeans on. I start to blush because Peeta's jaw is still open. I walk up to Peeta and say "It is now your turn."

Peeta's POV

It is now my turn. So I getup and grab my clothes. Katniss sits on the bed looking at me. I then pull off my shirt, and when I look at Katniss her jaw drops. She then said "Wow." I then pull down my pants and that leaves me in my boxers. Katniss's eyes get real big. My face starts to turn red so then I put on my pants and slip on my shirt.

I ask Katniss what she wants to do for the rest of the day because I have off of work today. Katniss sits there thinking. She then says "Can we go shopping?" "Of course!" I then put Katniss's shoes on her. I put on mine too. "Katniss hop on my back." "Um.... Why?" She asks curisly. "Just hop on." She does as told. She puts her hands on my chest and I like it because I get a weird feeling inside my stomach.

The stores are not far from here so I decided to give Katniss a piggy back ride. We walk into one store and it is amazing. Katniss finds a dress and I find a tux and we buy it. Then we walk home together. We get home and curl up on the couch and turn on the TV. When we turn it on the Capitol channel pops up. It shows a lot of pictures of me and Katniss just shopping and walking home.

I look down at Katniss who is laying on my chest. I can tell by the way she looks that she is annoyed and angry. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" After a few moment she answers. "Peeta, I do not like going out in public because people take all these pictures of us and they start rumors." I start to see tears forming in Katniss's eyes. She then starts sobbing and saying "Why won't they stop taking pictures of us?!" "Katniss unfortunately I do know the answer to this." She gives me a confused look. "Katniss remember when we were on tour. Well Haymitch told me that every year our private lives become theirs. They want something to talk and gossip about." She just starts sobbing more and more. My shirt starts to become very wet. "Why can't they focus on Haymitches life then Peeta?" "Well Haymitch is not married to anyone and he is drunk half of the time. Plus our life is way more interesting then his."

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