Chapter 26-Dinner

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Peeta's POV

Katniss then leans in a kisses me full on the lips. Not a long kiss but not a short kiss either. She then walks in the hob with me following. We stop at the desk and I step I front of Katniss.

"Table for two please." The guys leads us to the table and tells us the waitress will be here soon to take our orders.

"So Peeta, what are you gonna get?" Katniss asks while looking through the menu.

"I was gonna get the steak with some sprite. What about you?" I ask Katniss.

"I am getting pasta with lemonade." She responds.

Katniss never drinks. I will have a beer usually once every other month but that is it. But I don't get drunk. I just drink one beer and no more then that because if I drink more then one I will end up getting dizzy, falling over and doing stuff that I should not do. Like kissing another girl for example. I am snapped out of my thoughts when the waitress starts speaking.

Katniss's POV

We have a waitress so it is a girl. Peeta keeps looking at her and she keeps looking at Peeta while she talks. She scoots over to Peeta more. She looks beautiful. She has a big chest, nice ass and she has curves. I am the complete opposite of that. I have a small chest and no curves. This make me angry and jealous. I also feel uncomfortable.

"What are you having?" She asks me in a mean tone. Peeta is still looking at her like she is the best person on earth.

"In will have pasta with some lemonade please." I say nicely.

"Whatever." She says and then she walks away after that. While she walks away she sways her hips side to side for Peeta. Peeta has his eyes I. Her hips and ass. It makes me beg jealous and uncomfortable. I hate it. Peeta the. Turns back towards me and smiles. I give him a fake smile and he buys it. Deep down in my heart it is crushed into pieces. We just sit in silence while we wait for our food. I look down at my lap and play with my fingers while Peeta stares at me.

"Katniss what's wrong because-" he stats saying but then the waitress comes and interrupts and he seems to forgot what he was saying because then his face is turned to the waitress and his eyes are scanning her up and down. While she is putting. The food on the table I see that he is staring at her chest. I decide to get up and go to the bathroom.

"I am gonna go to the bathroom." I say and Peeta keeps his eyes on the waitress while responding "whatever." Tears fill my eyes and I end up running g into the bathroom. I go into a stall and lock it. I lean against the stall door and cry I he loved me. After a couple of minutes I decide to clean up and I walk back out and start heading toward the table. When I look at see the waiter shoving her add at Peeta and Peeta is smiling and laughing with her. I decide just to leave. I walk out of the restaurant and I head home.

I get home and I forgot Peeta has the keys. Then of course all of the sudden it starts raining. I walk to Haymitches house right across the street and I open the door and he is sitting there with a glass of beer. I take it out of his hand and I take a couple of sips.

"Katniss get out because someone is coming." He tells me.

"Fine." I mutter to him.

I walk out of the house into the cold freezing rain with the beer that I took a sip of. I sit down on a step in front of the house in the rain while drinking he beer.

*1 hour later*

I look at the time and I have been sitting outside for a hour in the rain sinking the beer and Peeta is still hot home. I am very cold because I haw a short sleeve orange shirt on with jeans and that is it. I then hear footsteps. They keep getting closer and closer. I look up and I see Peeta standing right I front of me.

"Katniss how long have you been here?" He asks.

"For a hour." I say back chattering my teeth.

"Let's go inside." He says. He takes the keys out and then unlocks the door and we both go inside and close the door right back up.

"Katniss why did you leave?" He asks in a angry sad tone.

"Seriously Peeta! You had you eyes o the waitress and acted like I wasn't there the whole time. You kept smiling, laughing, talking, looking at her hips, looking at her ass, looking at her curves and looking at her chest! I went the bathroom and you did not care and when I walked out she was shoving her ass I your face and you both were smiling and laughing! You said that I did not need that but it looks like you like girls like that waitress!" I yell at him and then I realize that I am crying.

Peeta notices the beer bottle. His mouth opens and his eyes widen.

"Kat- Katniss did you drink all the beer in the empty bottle you are holding?" He asks with tears falling out of his eyes.

"Yes! Yes I did." I say back in a snappy tone.

"Katniss I am so sorry. Okay! I don't know what got into me but it's just I don't know. I am sorry!" Peeta says while crying. I guess I can forgive him. I hate seeing Peeta like this.

"Peeta it's one just promise to never ever do it again. Deal?"

He looks up with a smile. "Deal."

"Now let's get to bed because I am tired!" I whine like a 2 year old. We go upstairs and I change. Right when I am about to go into the bed I see my bra's all over the floor.

"PEETA!" I scream.

He comes running out of the bathroom.

"Katniss are you okay. Are you-" and then he stops because he sees what I am pointing at. His face is a dark red.

"May I ask what did you do?" I ask him.

"Well uh I had feeling that you hid your pills in there and went I got the pills put I never put the bra's back." He says in a nervous tone with a nervous smile.

"Pick it up... Bra boy!" I say to him.

"Uhhh fine." He says. I win.

When he is picking them up Haymitch walks into the bedroom and Peeta is holding all of my bra's. Again.

"Hey look bra boy is back!! Why do I always have t walk in when you guys are about to have-" and then I cut him off.

"HAYMITCH!! We did not do that. He was looking for my pills and he found them so now he is putting them back." I say sorta angry.

"Whatever you say sweetheart." Haymitch says back to me.

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