Chapter 24- Just Ask

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Katniss's POV

I cannot move. My jaw is open and my eyes are wide open too. Peeta sees me and just smiles and continued changing right in front of me. He does not turn around too. He just continues facing me and he continues putting on his pjs like I am not even there. This bothers me very much. I then get my feet to move and run as fast as I can away from the door and I bolt down the hallway into the first floor bathroom, and I slam the door shut and then lock it. I think about what I just saw. Why could I not move? What is wrong with me? Why does he feel comfortable with me seeing him? Is it because of the games? I then hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Katniss are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Peeta asks in a worried tone.

*sniffle sniffle(from Katniss)*

"You did by do anything wrong Peeta. I just need to think about some stuff. Don't event bother coming in or try to come in because the door is locked. I am just thinking about stuff and I think it would be very awkward to talk about it to you or anyone. Anyway's it is kind of a weird, awkward and embarrassing question." I say back to him.

I hear him slide down against the door and sit against it.

"Hey I am her for you for whatever you need. Remember we protect each other. Now no matter how weird, awkward and embarrassing the question may get you have to ask me. I want to help you Katniss." He says to me through the door in a desperate tone.

"Okay I will ask you the question but I am not opening the door while asking you. It would be very..... Awkward. And promise me you will not leave me?" I say to him.

"I promise." He says back in a soft tone.

I take a deep breath.

"Peeta why are you comfortable with me looking at you completely naked?" I ask in a very quiet tone.

"Well Katniss, we are married and I am fine with you looking at me completely naked. I know that you are not and I completely respect that but I am fine with you looking at me." He says back softly.

I open up the door and I see Peeta standing up and he pulls me right into a tight hug. We stand for a while and then when he lets go he looks at me.

"Hey, I would never ever leave you. Okay?" He says.

I nod my head in response. He takes my hand and drags me upstairs into our bedroom. He lets go of my hand and opens up a drawer while I just stand there. He then closes the dirt and hands me my pjs. I grab them and I watch Peeta walk over to the bed and he just sits there and looks at me. I just keep standing there.

"What?" I ask sorta snapping.

"Well.....change." He says back in a serious tone.

"Like now? In front of you?" I ask sorta worried.

"Yeah, if you are okay with that. I do not want to pressure you into doing things that you do not want to do-" he keeps talking but I cut him off.

"Peeta I think I am ready to show you my body and all the scars." I say back sorta nervously and I find the hem of my shirt and grab it.

"Katniss are you sure?" He asks to make sure.

"Peeta I am sure. I am ready." I say back confidently.

I pull off my shirt, then my pants, my bra and then undies. Peeta's jaw opens and it stay open. His eyes widen and he just stares. I quickly grab my pjs and out everything back on. I walk over to Peeta and sit on the bed and his face is still the same.

"Ugly right? And fat." I say to Peeta.

His head then turns to me and he looks almost angry at me.

"KATNISS EVERDEEN! You are NOT I repeat NOT ugly or fat! Your body is perfect Katniss." He yells at me.

"Peeta my body is covered in scars and bruises. I am as thin as a toothpick and I will never ever be beautiful. Your body looks good! Why don't you go find another girl with a good body like yours!" I yell back to him.

Peeta's POV

"Peeta my body is covered in scars and bruises. I am as thin as a toothpick and I will never ever be beautiful. Your body looks good! Why don't you go find another girl with a good body like yours!" Katniss yells back to me.

She never ever will believe she it beautiful. She is very stubborn.

"Katniss you can think like that but you are wrong! Your body and you are very pretty!" I say to her.

She walks up to me with her eyes filled with tears and hugs me for a while. I hug back. We just stand there in silence hugging each other. I turn my head and look at the time. It is pretty late.

"Hey, we should get to bed." I say to her and she nods her head. I let go of her and she does the same to me. We walk over to the bed and get under the covers. She scoots closer to me so her head as laying on my chest and my arm is wrapped around her. I then hear her fall asleep. I also then fall asleep my self.

I wake up to a scream and it is not mine. It is Katniss's. I tune Terra's her and I see her screaming and thrashing around. I shake her awake and she hugs me right away. I hold her while she cries into my shirt which is getting soaked right now but I am fine with it. After she calms down she cuddles against me again and I hold her. Once again she falls asleep and then I do too.

Sorry I have not published for a while. I had lots of homework at it was my brother birthday this week❤️❤️ pls comment what u think of this chapter!!!

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