Chapter 27- Help Her

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Katniss's POV

"Whatever you say sweetheart." Haymitch says back to me.

Haymitch then leaves the house and I think he goes back to his house. It is now just Peeta and I. Peeta is standing here with me frozen still holding the bras. His face is also red. I snap my fingers in front of his face.

"Wh-what?" He asks.

"You were just standing here. Doing nothing."

"Oh. Umm oops?" He laughs.

I laugh too. "Come finish putting these back and then when you do come over to the bed."

"Okay I will."

I walk over to the bed and get into my pj's and then I cuddle up under the sheets waiting for Peeta. I think about me and the girl out dinner. I try to compare myself to her. Prim always told me not to compare but I want too because I feel like it.

The girl at dinner has

Big butt

Lots of noticeable curves

Good sized chest

Pretty face

No scars

Not broken

I have

Usual size butt

No noticeable and no curves

Small chest

The ugliest face in the world

Lots of scars


I mean Peeta looked really attracted to her. He would not stop staring at her and he forgot that I was even there. I mean Peeta says that he loves me the way I am but I feel like he is lying. I know that I am not pretty. I think he just says that to make me feel good. I mean how can he love me. A broken girl. No matter how many times I ask Peeta that question and he answers it I will never ever stop asking myself the question.

"Katniss? Katniss?" I hear Peeta say and then I snap out of my thinking.

"Hmm? What? Did you say something?" All the words just slip out of my mouth.

He chuckles. "No Katniss. You were just in your own little world."

"Oh." I say back.

"So what were you doing in your own little world?" He asks curiously.

"Ummmm... Just thinking."

"About what?" He asks again. Uhh why does he always have to be so curious.

"I was thinking about...." I look around the room.

"Come on Katniss. Tell me the truth." He says.

"I was thinking about nothing. Now goodnight." I say quickly and turn off the light.

Peeta then grabs me so my head is on his chest while his arms are wrapped around my waist holding me.

"You will tell me tomorrow what you were thinking about." He whispers in my ear.

*45 minutes later*

I have been laying in bed for 45 minutes trying to fall asleep but I can't. I look turn my head so I can see Peeta's face and sure enough he is sleeping. I get up slowly so I don't wake up Peeta. I head to the stairs. I am a little wobbly on them. I am almost to the bottom when I slip.


Owwww! That hurt! I try to get up but it hurts to much. I end up laying back down on the stairs hoping that Peeta will come down soon. I wait and wait and wait. I then decide to scream help so maybe Peeta will hear me.

"HELP!" I scream as loud as I can.

I then hear loud heavy footsteps. Then I open my eyes and a concerned Peeta is right in front of me. I look in his eyes and I see worry in them. He is worried about me. He should not worry about me. I do not need to live for anybody.

"KATNISS! Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" Peeta asks really fast.

"I-I was walking down the stairs and then I slipped. I tried to get up but it hurt too much. Please Peeta, let me die! No one loves me! I have nothing and nobody to live for!" I tell him while looking into his eyes.

"Katniss I love you so damn much! Don't even think about killing yourself! You have to live! For me, for Prim, for Rue, for Finnick, for Thresh, for Mags, for us! I love you Katniss! I love you so much!" He says back to me. I am now crying.

"I love you too Peeta." I say back.

Peeta takes his thumb and brings it to my face and he wipes away my tears.

"Katniss please don't cry." He whispers to me.

"Peeta I was crying because the speech was awesome but now I am just crying from pain! Pl-please help m-me!"I sob.

Peeta's eyes then get real wide. I see the worry on his eyes again.

"I got you Katniss! Come on! We are going to the hospital!" Peeta says panicking. I have never ever seen Peeta so scared, panicked and worried. I guess he really does love me.

I am brought out of my thoughts in my head when he picks me up bridal style.

"AHHHHH!!! THAT HURTS!!! HELP ME!" I scream while sobbing.

I see a blurry Peeta through my tears. I see sadness showing in his eyes. I just made him feel bad. Way to go Katniss. (Sarcastic)

"I am so sorry Katniss! I do not mean to hurt you!" I hear Peeta whimper. He just started crying.

"It's okay Peeta. You did not know and I know that you did not mean it. But please get me to the hospital." I say sobbing harder each word.

After I say that Peeta runs to the car and puts me in the back seat so I can lay down. He hops into the front and starts driving. He is going way over the speed limit but I need to get to hospital. Then the car comes to a complete stop and Peeta gets out. He then comes over it me and opens my door and picks me up again in the bridal style way. I try to hold in my scream but I can't.


I see hurt in Peeta's eyes again. He thinks that he is hurting me. His eyes always show his emotion. He then runs into the hospital and when we get in he starts shouting.

Peeta's POV

I run into the hospital holding Katniss bridal style. I feel so bad. I am hurting her by holding her. Right when I get into the hospital I start yelling for help. I can't lose Katniss.

"Help! Help please!"

Then a nurse comes right up to me.

"What is wrong? What do you need help with?" The nurse says fast because she noticed how panicked and worried I am.

"M-my wife was wa-walking down the stairs she slipped and when I came out she was laying there. She could not get up and it hurts when someone picks her u-up. Please help her. I need her. I cannot lose her." I say starting to cry.

The nurse runs to grab a wheelchair and she comes back. I sit Katniss down in it. The nurse starts rolling with Katniss and I go with them. Then we each a room and buses calls for the head doctor.

"Sir please sit down over there." The nurse says pointing to a chair in the room. I obey as the hustle says and I sit down. Because if I did not sit down I would have to be in the waiting room away from Katniss.

"Put her on the bed so her back is facing upwards! Hurry up!" The head doctor yells. Four nurses then pick up Katniss and she screams form the pain. They lay her down on the bed the way the doctor told them to. Then when she is on the bed the nurses go to the side so I get a full view of what is going on. The doctor takes the bottom of her shirt and lifts it up so he can see her back. I cannot see her back but I see the doctors jaw drop when he looks at it. I try to stay in my seat but I cannot help it. I need to see. I get up from my chair and walk over there. When I am there I look at her back and there is .........

CLIFFHANGER!!!!! I will update really soon I have just been busy and not feeling well. PLS COMMENT AND VOTE❤️❤️ this chapter was longer❤️❤️❤️❤️

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