Chapter 15- District 4

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Peeta's POV

Katniss comes down the stairs at 11:00 holding her suitcase. "Come let's go Katniss! We do not want to miss the train." "Okay I am ready." We walk to the train station and get there right on time. We go buy our tickets and hop on the train. Then there is a bunch of people with cameras taking pictures of us and I hear a couple ask about babies. I see Katniss starts to cry and she hides her face in my chest. I get up and leave Katniss there. I find a person that works on the train and I asked if me and Katniss can have a separate thing.
She said yes. I go get Katniss and pick her up bridal style and she is still crying and I feel really bad.

I follow the lady to the separate room and then I shut the door behind her.
Now Katniss starts sobbing. "I am so sorry Katniss about the people and questions. I am also sorry that I got up and left you there. I did that to get us a separate room away from the other people. I feel really bad. I am sorry."

"It's okay Peeta. It was not your fault. So how much longer until we are in district 4?" She asks.

"About a hour so how about you take a nap."

"Okay." She says and she lays down with her head in my lap and she falls asleep like that. I am playing around with her hair because I find it fun and she likes it anyways. I close my eyes but I do not fall asleep. Later I then hear on the speakers "District 4!"

I then shake Katniss. "Katniss! Let's go! We are there." She then jumps up and grabs her suitcase while I grab mine and we get off of the train. We then walk about 2 miles and we get to the hotel. She stops at the look of it.

"Come on Katniss we have reservations."

"Peeta this is so expensive though!"

"Come on Katniss! We do not have all day!"

"Thank you Peeta." She says.

"Your welcome Katniss." I respond.

She follows me inside and I go up to the desk and we get a key for our room 714. It is on the 7th floor so we take the elevator. We go walk out of the elevator and we find our room. We open the door and Katniss eyes get big. "Peeta? This is the honymoon sweet room isn't it?"


She then runs up to me gives me a hug and kisses me full on the lips and I love this moment. We sit down on the couch and since it is dinner time I order room service and we get a pizza. We eat it very fast since we did not have lunch.

"Katniss? I was planning to go to the beach tomorrow with you. Would you like to go?"

"Duh. Yes!" She screams back.

"Katniss we should get in bed because it is getting late."

"Okay." Then she gets up off the couch and runs to our room. I still cannot run so I follow her. She is waiting for me in bed so I lay next to her and she puts her head on my chest as usual. We are not in our pj's but I do not care. I am too lazy to get into them so I end up falling asleep in my normal clothes. I then wake up to a piercing scream and it is Katniss. Tears are all over her face.
"Katniss it's okay. It was not real. Okay?"

"O-o-okay." She says. I can barley understand because she is sobbing so much.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as she calms down.

"M-m-maybe in the morning."

"Okay. Well try and get some sleep tonight." I then give her a kiss and we resume to the position we were in when we went to sleep.

I wake up to the sun naming down on my face. I then shake Katniss awake. "Come on Katniss. Let's go get ready for the beach!" I say. With that she pops right up out of bed. "O-o-okay. I-I am go-going to get changed in-in-in the ba-bath-bathroom." She says. I wonder why she is stuttering. With that she walk into the bathroom with her bathing suit on. I then get dressed in my swim trunks. It has been a while since Katniss gone in the bathroom so I go up right by the door and it is quite except when I hear this. "I love you Peeta."

I the burst through the door and she starting cutting herself with a razor on her arm. I the hit it out of her hand.

"Peeta I have to die! I want to see Prim!" She screams.

"Katniss do not die. If you die I have no reason to live!"

"I am sorry Peeta I just had a nightmare about Prim."

"It's okay. Here let's go."

Katniss grabs the sunscreen, food, water and her sunglasses. I grab 2 beach chairs, umbrella and 2 surfboards. I then put all of the stuff in the rental car and we drive to the beach. We get out of the car and choose a pot on the beach were we set up our stuff. Then a red head starts running towards us carrying a little boy and she screams "PEETA!KATNISS!" Then she is right in front of us. Me and Katniss both scream "ANNIE!" At the same time.

Sorry I have not updated for a couple of days guys. I have school and lots of hw. I am also working on another book that will be coming out soon!😘

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