Chapter 6- Flashbacks

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Katniss's POV

Peeta then gets up from the bed and throws a book at me. It hit my wrist very hard. I run out of the bedroom and burst into Haymitches room and lock the door. "Haymitch it's Peeta! He is having a bad flashback!" I say between sobs. Then we here banging on the door. "Sweetheart it will be okay. Here go sit in the chair right there and then in The morning Peeta should be all better." I can't fall asleep from all the banging against the wall. I do not know how then but I fall asleep.

I wake up and find that Haymitch is in the dining room. "Katniss!" "Are you okay Haymitch?!" "It is your wrist Katniss! Did you hurt it?" "No but Peeta threw a book at it really really hard last night." "Katniss get in the car we are going to get it looked at. When we come back you can see Peeta." "Fine." I get in the car with Haymitch and he drives me to the doctor. They took a few x-Rays of my wrist. The doctor walks in and says "your wrist is fractured so you will need a cast for 1 week. So no hunting during the time." Right now I am really upset. They put on the cast and Haymitch drives me back home.

We walk in and Peeta is sitting in the kitchen floor rocking back and forth saying my name is Peeta Mellark. I am from distract 12. I love Katniss Everdeen.My name is Peeta Mellark. I am from distract 12. I love Katniss Everdeen. I go up to Peeta and say "Peeta! Are you okay?" He looks up to me with his normal bright blue eyes. I know he is back to normal. He sees my wrist right away. Uh oh I think to myself.

"Katniss, did I do that to you?" Peeta ask between sobs.

"No you did not. Hijacked Peeta did but I am okay."

"Katniss that is not okay! I have to leave for a couple of days because I keep hurting you!"

"Peeta I need you! Please don't leave me here! PEETA!"

"Katniss I cannot keep hurting you because when I hurt you I am hurting myself."

All of the sudden Peeta pukes all over the place probably because he is so upset. He gets up and goes to the bathroom to continue puking. I go up next to him and rub his back.

Peeta's POV

Katniss is rubbing my back well I am puking in the toilet. I stop and fall over and the next thing I know everything turns black. I open my eyes and find that I am laying on the couch. Katniss sees my eyes open. "Peeta oh my gosh are you okay?" "Katniss what happened?" Well you were pylon g and the next thing you your laying on the ground." "Oh okay."

" Peeta we are going to go home today. Because you keep getting flashbacks here and you are so nervous you keep puking."

"Katniss I am so sorry for everything. I never wanted or meant to hurt you. I ruined the weekend and I feel terrible. I am just afraid that I will get tortured again and I will lose you forever. Will you stay with me?"


" So beautiful, when are we leaving?"

"In 5 minutes so let's get going."

I get up off the couch and Katniss gives me a big hug. I am glad I didn't run away. We say our goodbyes to Effie and Haymitch. We walk to the train get on it and go home. Once we are home me and Katniss get out leftovers from the from the fridge. We sit down and eat and it is very silent. I start getting a flashback so I grab the back of my chair. After about a minute it goes away. Me and Katniss go upstairs and sit on the bed in a awkward silence.

Katniss gets up and she cannot open the closet door because of her hand. I open it for her. She lays down on the bed with her pj's off to the side. "Um Peeta?" "Yeah Katniss, you okay?" " I know this might sound weird Peeta but can you change me? I have trouble with my arm." A huge grin shows up on my face. " of course!" I take off her pants and put on her pj bottoms. The her shirt. Then I start getting into my pj's when the phone rings so I go downstairs to pick it up.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Hey Peeta. It is just Haymitch. Did you guys get home okay?"

"Yep! Thanks for checking!"

"Okay talk to you later Peeta."

"Okay bye."

When I start to walk into me and Katniss's room I see her laughing so hard that tears are coming out of her eyes. So I stop in the doorway. "What is so funny?" " You are still in your boxers and you went downstairs to talk on the phone!" My face goes a dark red. "Oops?!" I then put on some pants. I don't put on a shirt because I am so hot. I get into bed with Katniss.

"Do you love me? Real or not real?"

"Real Peeta."

Katniss then attacks me with a kiss and she is laying on top of me now. We fall asleep then. I wake up to a phone call but Katniss already has the phone.

Katniss's POV

I get up and wonder who would be calling this early in the morning?

"Hello Katniss!"

"Oh hey Effie! Why did you call so early in the morning?"

"Okay Katniss, you will probably not be happy but just listen."

"Okay I am all ears."

"So even though all The Hunger Games are over you have to go on tour. You and Peeta will be traveling to each district to give a nice speech about what is happening and going on in your guys life. It is required and you have no choice. You also have a interview with Caser in a week. It starts next Monday. So the first day will be the interview with Caser and then the rest will be you and Peeta talking to the districts."

"I do not want too do it."

"Katniss it is required."

"Thanks for letting me know Effie. Bye."

"Alright bye."

Peeta's POV

Katniss walks back up to our room and I can tell she is very angry. "What's wrong Katniss?" Katniss explains everything to me and I do not like the sound of it either. "Katniss I am gong to go get something from downstairs and I promise you I will be right back up, okay?" "You better no leave me Peeta. I am timing you." I leave the room go downstairs grab the thing come back up and stand right in front of Katniss.

Katniss's POV

Peeta is stand in infront of me with something behind his back. He then says "Katniss I Loved ever since I was 5 years old. I never want our love to end, so will you make me the happiest person on earth Katniss. Will you marry me Katniss Everdeen?" "YES PEETA!" I scream and attack with the hug. He puts the ring on my finger.

I look at it is the purl he gave me on the beach. "Peeta I love." "I love you too." Later that day me and Peeta started planning the wedding. It is going to be Saturday so 2 days before the interview with Caser. Tonight I called everyone and told them about the wedding. Such as Haymitch, Effie, Johanna, Betee, Annie and her son, everyone from squad 451 and more people. Tomorrow I am going to go looking for dresses with Effie I cannot wait. Me and Peeta skip dinner because we are so excited. We go to bed and I fall asleep to the sound of Peeta's heart beat

Peeta's POV

I cannot believe Katniss said yes! I am super duper exited and I cannot wait to get married to her. I try to fall asleep but I can't because I am so happy that my dreams are coming true. I am marrying the girl on fire. The one and the only Katniss Everdeen.

That was a lot of writing! I hope you guys really like it! I spent all day working on it.😘❤️😍😊

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