Chapter 28- What I Saw

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Peeta's POV

"Put her on the bed so her back is facing upwards! Hurry up!" The head doctor yells. Four nurses then pick up Katniss and she screams from the pain. They lay her down on the bed the way the doctor told them to. Then when she is on the bed the nurses go to the side so I get a full view of what is going on. The doctor takes the bottom of her shirt and lifts it up so he can see her back. I cannot see her back but I see the doctors jaw drop when he looks at it. I try to stay in my seat but I cannot help it. I need to see. I get up from my chair and walk over there. When I am there I look at her back and there are a couple more scars that are small, but there is a huge black/purple/blue bruise on her back.

I turn towards the doctor. "Is she going to be okay?" I ask frightened of the answer.

"I hope so. We have to take a MRI (It is a type of x-ray for those of you who do not know) and after we get the results we will see. But before I do that, what is the exact story?" He questions me. I tell him what I know.

"Well I heard her scream for help when I was sleeping so I got up as fast as I could and then she was laying on the stairs sobbing. She said she tried getting up but it hurt her so much she couldn't. Also when I picked her up bridal style she started screaming because it hurt her so bad. I then brought her here." I say starting to cry remembering when I found her on the stairs.

"Thanks for the story son." He says taking all the information in.

Katniss's POV

I hear Peeta telling the doctor the story. I heard that he is going to give me a MRI and I want Peeta to be there with me when I get it.

"Pe-Peeta?" I say as loud as I can and my voice ends up cracking.

The doctors and Peeta's head both whip around to me. Peeta then runs over as soon as he realizes that it was me and the doctor follows him except he is walking. When Peeta reaches me he grabs my hand and I lock eyes with him. His eyes are filled with tears and fear.

"K-Katniss." He sobs my name.

"Peeta I-I am okay." I lie.

He shakes his head no because he knows that I am lying. Dammit!

I turn my head so I am facing the doctor. "Can Peeta come with me when I get the MRI?" I ask.

He responds quickly. "Of course. We are going to do that right now, so I will pull you in this bed to the MRI room, and Peeta you can walk behind the bed or you can walk right next to it. Whatever is fine."

Peeta nods with happiness and he grabs my hand. The bed starts moving and Peeta is holding my hand walking next to me. He really does care about me. I just stare at Peeta's face while he is looking up following the doctor.

The bed stops moving and they start the MRI and Peeta is still holding my hand. He never let go.

*After the MRI*

Peeta and I are back in my hospital room and we are still holding hands. We have been waiting for the doctor to come back in with the results.

The the door slams and it brings me out of my thoughts. I bring my head up and look to see the doctor standing at the end of my bed. He is holding a couple of sheets which are probably the test results. He starts talking.

"Well it looks like you have broke your back Mrs. Mellark so you will have to be paralyzed from the waist down." He tells me and Peeta.

Peeta has his mouth open and I start crying hysterically.

"But it can be fixed." He adds.

I shut up and nod for him to go in and Peeta is still frozen.

"You will have to come here and I will give you physical therapy lessons so you learn how to use your legs again. You will have to do it for about 4 to 7 weeks. It just depends on how well you adjust back to walking. But first you have to have a back cast on for a week before we start the physical therapy. You will also have to be in a wheelchair the whole time. And if you need any help have Peeta do it. If you cannot do something don't try because then you can end up hurting your back more and it is hurt pretty bad already." He finishes.

I nod and look over at Peeta and he has a small smile on his face.

Peeta's POV

I am happy that they can teach Katniss how to walk again. If she could not my whole entire world would be gone. I feel Katniss's eyes on me so I turn and face her and she has a frown on her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask softly.

"You were smiling about this Peeta! This is not good!" She yells and starts crying.

"Katniss I was smiling because I am happy that they can teach you how to walk again." I say back calmly.

She is quiet.

"Oh I am sorry Peeta." She squeaks out.

I grab her hand.

"It's okay. You are under a lot of pressure right now. Okay?" I say back.

She just nods.

We look back at the doctor and he continues to talk.

"I am going to go get Katniss's wheelchair and medicine. While I do that you can sigh these relates papers Mr.Mellark?" He says.

"Yeah sure." I respond.

He hands me the paper and the pen and I sign them. He leaves the room and Katniss closes her eyes. She is probably tired but I still wonder what was she thinking about before we went to bed? I wonder I it has anything to do with this? I think to myself.

Pls comment guys bc I like when you guys comment so I get feedback from you guys❤️❤️

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