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"I could pretend to be more like you, Jess, and live on a sparkly rainbow and drive a unicorn around and just sing all the time." - Nick Miller


Full Name: Nicholas Miller

Other names he's know as on the show: Julius Pepperwood, Grumpy Mystery


Nick Miller is a failure! He dropped out of law school with three semesters to go and became a bar tender at Clyde's Bar. Nick is never seen out of a hooded top or a lumberjack shirt, and his stubbled chin and messy hair: classic failure/Nick attire.

Nick was born on September 29th 1981 so would have been 31 in season one. Nick has brown hair and brown eyes and is Caucasian. He has one brother, Jamie Miller. And his parents are the elusive Walt Miller and Bonnie Miller. He comes from Chicago.

Nick likes to fix things or rather try to fix things but end up breaking things. Nick seems to think- and I'm using Schmidt's words here- that he's the Chinese kids from Goonies (Data). Sometimes his fixes work but are very strange and not your usual way to fix something or as Schmidt likes to say they're not "fancy fixes". Although, when Nick is angry he tend to "angry fix things" which basically means he is smashing at something broken, whilst angry and drunk, with any tool he has at hand, resulting in it becoming more broke than previously.

Nick is very loyal to his friends and has been known to drop everything to be with Jess in her (multiple) hour of need. This means Nick can turn to his friends in his time of need for help, which is usually due to the fact he is strapped for cash. Nick likes his privacy and independence although he much prefers Schmidt to do all of his cooking and cleaning for him.

Nick's oldest and best friend is Winston Bishop who is also his roommate. Although Schmidt likes to think he is Nick's best friend. As children (according to Winston) Nick and Winston used to have penis fights which is a sore spot for Schmidt who is the only one who hasn't seen 'Little Nick'.

In season two we learn Nick is quite the prankster. He pranks Schmidt in a sick and twisted, yet hilarious, way into thinking he is getting old. Nick has never put so much effort into something in his life.

Nick has dated many people on the show from Caroline, to Julia, to Chloe and so many more.

Nick likes to think of himself as a writer. A good one at that, which of course he isn't. He wrote a very bad zombie novel that he'd been trying to complete for years and finally does in season two when Winston pushes him to actually complete something. Let's just say he's the only one who doesn't realise how bad it sucks.

Little Facts: Nick sweats when he lies. He never washes his towel (which he once unknowingly shared with Schmidt), and sometimes wears Schmidt and Winston's underwear. Nick can be sarcastic. His grandfather's names were Mason and Charles. He dances naked to reggae music.



Comment your favourite Nick moment below!


Dedicated to such an amazing guy @spectrums! Literally all we talk about is New Girl ...well, and Dianna Agron, can you blame us? He's so like Nick Miller it's unreal he's so laid back and has a weird sense of humour, like me. Anyway, you all need to check out his stories because they're amazing, and he's pretty much a real life Nick Miller so you kinda have to! We can literally talk about New Girl forever, so thanks for making me laugh and being as obsessive about NG as me! P.S. Our plan to live New Girl will totally work.

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