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Now, we all know about Schmidtisms (due to be uploaded shortly) but Nickisms are a whole different kettle of fish. This chapter is dedicated to the variety of things that Nick does/says.

Turtle Face- A face Nick is known to pull, as seen in the picture at the side. It's his little grumpy face.

Awkward Moonwalking- In order to remove himself from awkward situations Nick moonwalks out of the room in something he named "Awkward Moonwalking." Instead of making things better it just makes things even more awkward, Nick is quite a slow moonwalker so it takes him a while to actually leave the room.

Angry Fixing- When Nick's angry he tends to fix things, well, he says fix what he actually means is break. He just goes and smashes things with hammers and wrenches to vent his anger.

Grumpy- Nick doesn't like to get involved or have fun, he's like an old grandpa.

Pranks- The only thing that Nick gets serious about is pranks it's a source of enjoyment for him.

Weird- Nick gets very weird at times but he knows his limit, that's why he goes crazy when he has a "Dead Dad Pass."

Any more Nickisms I missed? Comment below!

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