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Okay, so we've had Schmidtisms (due to be uploaded shortly) and Nickisms, so now it's time for some Jessisms. These are less quotes/things she says and more things she does, her mannerisms.

Singing- Jess sings a lot. We all know that. No matter what she's doing she will most likely narrate it though song.

Voices/Accents- Jess often puts on voices and accents like her Urkel and Daffy Duck impressions. It's just a thing she does, another Jessism.

Know It All- Jess' pogo is that she's a know it all but some times she just can't help but butt in and tell people they're wrong.

Comfort- Jess likes to comfort people and make them feel better. She tends to make light of the situation to make people feel better.

Tap Dancing in Arguments- Jess does dance a lot at times but when people are arguing she has a little song and tap dance for the occasion. It all started when she was a child and her parents were arguing: "Mommy's alright. Daddy's alright. They just seem a little weird. Surrender! Surrender!" But of course she substitutes the names for the occasion like with Russell and Ouli.

Slipping into Schmidt Slang- Sometimes I think Jess Spends too much time with Schmidt when she slips into some of the slang terms that he would use. Just an example would be "Help a brother out." it's not just what she says but how she says it.

One of the boys- Sometimes Jess desperately wants to be one of the boys and be included in boy talk which is probably the reason she sometimes slips into Schmidt slang.

Did I miss any Jessisms? Comment below!

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