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Today is the oldest you've ever been and youngest you'll ever be again.
-Eleanor Roosevelt.

Trin's Interpretation


You know, today I was just thinking about the word YOLO.

For those of you who have been living under a rock(which I don't judge, I live in Bikini Bottom,under Patrick's rock),YOLO stands for You Only Live Once.

So people start doing drugs and whatnot and stupid things that could get you killed.

Then they go:Who cares?YOLO!

There are lots of different perspectives but I think that yolo should be used in the context, you only live once so treasure your life VERY carefully. This does not mean to be a scaredy cat all the time but to be brave and always thoughtful.

For example, it's okay to go rock climbing, or abseiling or jumping off helicopters sometimes.

But it's not okay to thinking of only yourself and taking drugs and cigarettes. This harms people around you so I hope that more people will think before doing random stuff that will others.

So stop putting Yolo in dumb contexts and take care of your life.

Moving on!

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