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Pick your battles

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Pick your battles. You don't have to show up to every argument you're invited to.
-Mandy Hale

Heyy so recently something has happened to me in my class and my friend asked me whether I could write something about it so she could feel better and see what I had to say about it.

So I'm gonna talk about it.

Basically we had to do peer assessment for a math project. So we swapped papers. Just so happened we swapped papers with the least ready and presentable group.

Over 12,we gave them a 5,especially because we couldn't understand their question,solution and their context was terrible. When we were graded(and we did a pretty good job if I must say so myself),we got 7 and compared to the group we were grading, we were being alot more lenient to them.

A reminder that our class is very competitive if we had the chance to score somebody,we'd score them low.

So even if your presentation was the best, it wouldn't matter because you would do badly anyway.

After we graded them, the class got angry at us because the popular people were in it and they thought they didn't do so bad. It was absolutely terrible by the way, even the teacher said she would have the group a lot less marks than we did.

The group gave us death stares and spread rumors,badmouthing us, saying unintelligent things about us.

But the one thing I always say to myself when this happens is:Since when did we ever care about what they said?After all, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

What I would like to say to those people who people out there, taking up the same place as the class to reconsider what they're doing and whether it would hurt people undelibrately.So yeah.

Also I wanted to talk about nicknames. Recently I've been called Trin The Bin. I've been called this for 2 months. In the first week, I thought I would be fine and wouldn't give a damn. But after that week passed and more and more people were calling me that,I decided I wasn't comfortable with it and told my friends to stop. Most of them did, but those who didn't I told them to "Stop calling me that!"

They never did. And I don't what to do about it. I'm okay with those who call me that in a happy manner but people keep saying it in a mean manner so I'm telling the people who have been hurting others by calling them these sort of names,stop it, because you'll never how it'll hurt them. So yea.


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