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Anyway raekeshlyrakiera(Angela)suggested the quote Nothing is impossible, it just hasn't been done yet.

So.. here we go!

Ever since I was young, my brother made me think that I wasn't smart.

That I would go to the worst school in the universe and no one would ever want to be my friend.

But that wasn't fair.

But deep in my heart, I knew it was true. I wasn't smart, I was very sociable,in fact I was getting bullied all the time.

What was the point of going to school when nothing good awaited me there?

As I scrolled through my old things I found an old letter. I immediately recognised it Grandma's handwriting and set probably wouldn't be writing to me at that time, the paper was too torn, worn and yellowed to be mine. It took alot o floundering to find realise she was writing to my mom. But the words spoke as if it were mine.

Nothing is impossible. It just hasn't been done yet. Love you sweetheart. Stay beautiful!

I wanted to cry.Because I thought ever coming back up from that terrible point in my life was impossible,but..

Nothing is really impossible.

I sighed,placed the letter back into its original place and left the room and decided that I wasn't going to live this life anymore. I was going to take a stand for myself.

I had to fight.

The next time the bully came to me,I came prepared with a teacher, standing and watching from behind.

And when he extended his arm to punch me, I swiftly dodged and the teacher came out from the shadows to stop him.

Then it stopped. I could stop with the crying and cutting. It took alot of time to recover from my wounds, of course, no one would heal after a week after those scars.

But for once, I was happy.

Hope you feel inspired now!The next follow up will come tomorrow or today, there's really no telling.

Love you;)

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