Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

James Point of View

“JAMES! LET’S GO!” I heard my mother call from the second floor. UGH! I just need to finish this on thing.

 “Die…die…DIE!” I shouted at my TV. I was trying to beat COD zombies. “Fucking undead bitches!”

 I leaned over and turned off my play station and then pushed it under my game cabinet beside my Wii U and Xbox.

 “COMING!” I shouted standing up and stretching. I walked out of my room and jogged down stairs to find someone I didn’t want to see.

 “Jennifer?” I gasped taking my arms out from behind my head. “What, what are you doing here?” Jennifer Bucks our neighbor and rich family friends daughter.

 We have known each other for years, specifically 10 years. She told me a year and a half ago that she loved me. No not, like-liked me, LOVED me. She told me that she had a fucking shrine for me and then one of my ex-girlfriends was one of her friends and she saw it in her closet.

 Creepy…I haven’t really talked to her because I thought maybe she would use some creepy voodoo on me or something…

 “Jenny here is going to drive with us because she is going to camp with you.” I glanced away from my mom’s fake smile and at Jennifer; she was blushing a deep red. “Son…go and put a shirt on…”

 I looked down at my chest. “Shit!” I ran up the stairs before my mom could kill me for swearing. I think I just gave Jennifer a lady boner!

 I grabbed the closet shirt I could find and it was a dress shirt. I slipped on and ignored the buttons…my mom was already mad for me taking too long with my video games.

 I ran down the stairs to the second floor. Where’d they go? I ran down the next flight of stairs and saw the open front door and my three little sisters waving at a car.

 “HEY! I DIDN’T TAKE THAT LONG!” I ran passed my sisters and one of them fell over. Oops.

 I jumped inside the car and right as I slammed the door closed it started moving forward. I looked to my side and found Jennifer quickly turning away. RIGHT! Shirt.

 I slowly started buttoning up my dress shirt.

 “Stephen? Do you have a hair brush in your glove compartment man?” I asked the limo driver. Yeah, limos…not as exciting after you get taken everywhere in one for 12 years straight.

 “Of course I do, Jimmy!” Stephen smiled passing me a black brush. Stephen was like an older brother or something to me… I think he was like 40 or something...I never really noticed. We were just really close because he was the only one that actually asked me about my day and helped me with problems with good advice.

 He felt like an actual family member.

 I took the brush and started brushing my long hair that my parents despised. They thought I looked like a punk even though I slick it back at dinner parties so it’s not ragged.

 “Oh Steve! Can I sit in the front with you?” I asked bouncing in my seat like a child excited for candy.

 “Of course, Jimmy.” He nodded.

 I climbed away from Jennifer and slid to the front and I swear to god I felt Jennifer’s hand on my butt. Gross.

 “Ah…much better. I don’t like the back it makes me feel like I’m a rich kid.” I chuckled.

 “You are a rich kid though...” Stephen chuckled.

 “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I turned and looked at Jennifer and my eyes staring into her hers made her freeze with a blush. “Jen…me and Stevie here need to talk privately for a second OK?”

 She nodded hesitantly and she turned back to the window as I pressed a button on the ceiling that made a separating wall.

 “Stevie?” Stephen asked.

 “What? Anyway! That’s the girl I was talking about!”

 “What? NO!”

 “Hush! And yes…”

 “The one you slept with?”

 “No the one with the shrine to me!”

 “Oh!” Stephen chuckled as he turned the wheel.

 “She is going to camp with me!” I told him nervously.


 “Well what do I do? She is going to cling to me like glue! How am I supposed to get a girl with her all over me?”

 “Avoid her.”


 “Find a girl better looking then her or stay with a group of guy camp friends and overwhelm her. Plus she should make a friend or two…aren’t they shared cabins?”

 “Yeah…I guess your right…thanks…” I sighed and pressed the button and the separation wall slipped away.

“Here we are…”

 “I’m going on a bus? Huh…never been on one before…that is extremely sad…” I sighed and helped Stephen with my and Jennifer’s bags.

 Stephen grabbed Jennifer’s bags and put them inside the compartment under the large coach bus. I grabbed my own and put them inside.

 11:30…Five minutes till I leave for this dreadful camp…I hate dealing with rich snobs as it is but now I have to deal with them in a forest?

 “EVERYONE ON THE BUS!” I heard a voice shout. I guess I should get on the bus and try to find a seat and sit with someone other than Jennifer!

 I hugged Stephen quickly and he patted me on the back.

 The bus was practically full by the time I got on. I walked up the steps and looked for an empty seat.

 AHA! I found one! There was a empty seat beside a generally attractive guy with really weird hair and gold and silver chains around his neck.

 “Mind if I sit here man?” I asked casually.

 “Yeah sure, go ahead…” His voice seemed to sound feminine.

 I sat down with a sigh of relief as I saw Jennifer walked past me to sit down somewhere else.

 “Thank god!” I let out.

 “What?” The guy asked me. Suddenly my I felt my heart leap when his crystal blue eyes stared into my eyes…weird.

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