Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Aidan’s Point of View (Two weeks later)

Moving Day

I couldn’t believe it. I just really couldn’t believe it.


 “AIDAN! Language mister!” River called.

 “Sorry but my god!” I ran up to the door with one of my boxes and pushed it open. I strolled around inside. Henrietta followed me also carrying a box.

 We both set our boxes down on the stairs and stood. We looked at each other with evil grins. “Who ever finds the biggest bedroom first has dibs!” We shouted then ran up the stairs.

 I ran one way and she ran the other. I opened all the doors and we circled twice so we could look in other rooms. We both came to the last door. I opened it. “MORE STAIRS?” We screeched.

 We ran up them, ignoring the calls from our mothers.

 We found four doors going horizontally on the hall. I went one way and Henrietta went the other. “They all look the same!” I whined.

 “Wait! There is another hall!” I ran to Henrietta, as she turned left. There was one single door at the end. I pushed her into the wall with a laugh and she yelped. I opened the door and the room was huge!

 “DIBS!” I called out.

 “Fuck you!” She cursed. “You cheated.”

 “There are no rules to this game, Henri!” I laughed I walked in and saw there was a bathroom and a kitchen and a really big closet.

 “Dibs, dibs, dibs, dibs!” I sang.

Later that day…

“There!” I huffed as I finished setting up my bed, bedside tables, bookshelves, desk and vanity. Oh and put away my clothes. “All good!” I looked at my watch.

 “7:30 PM! No way!” I shouted. “I can still keep putting stuff up!” I ran downstairs and grabbed some more boxes.

 I put the two medium sized boxes and poster tube on my bed. The boxes were labeled. One read ‘Aidan’s Computer Stuff’ and the other read ‘Aidan’s TV Stuff’

 I looked around my room. I had a couch in my room since it was so big. I stood in front of the couch and stared at the wall. “There!” I got my TV stuff and started to unpack.


 “O-M-Geezus!” I shouted. “Fucking work!”

 “Do you need help, baby?” I remembered that I had my earphone piece in my ear, my phone was sitting on my vanity and I was talking to James.

 “Yeah…the TV isn’t going to Laser 2D, 3D or DVD 2D, 3D. It’s only giving me 2D and 3D Cable.”

 “Well what color cords have you plugged in?”

 “Blue, purple, orange, beige and black.”

 “Are they in the right holes?” He asked and I smirked. “Shut up…”


 “Are there any other cords missing?”

 “Um…” I looked through the box again and found two double red and blue cords. “Found some…OH! That’s why!”


 “The red and blue double plug cords aren’t plugged in!”

 “There you go!”

 I leaned over and plugged the two double cords into the double plug plugs. I stood up and tapped the TV and it came to life.

 “Hello, Aidan Walker.” It spoke. I tapped the screen with my TV stylus and it went to the programs I wanted.

 “YAY! It works, it works, it works!” I sang.

 “YAY!” James cheered. “Sorry…one second… Aidan…mom! You always tell me not to talk to you when your on the phone so don’t do it to me! I know! I know…get out of the house, dirty homosexual…yadda, yadda, yadda!”

 I stood shocked. I heard some muffled yelling. “I’M WORKING ON IT! Haven’t you seen me reading the papers? I’m looking for a place…I know! I get that you will only pay for the bill if I leave before January. Give me a fucking break…” Oh my god!

 I heard a slam, probably a door. “Aidan?”

 “Um…uh yeah…um what the hell was that?” I asked getting a bit peeved.

 “You heard that? Damn I guess covering the mouth piece doesn’t work.”

 “No…” I sighed sarcastically. “Are you OK, James?”

“Yeah…baby…I’m just looking for a place right now. Like I said last week.”

 “Right…right…” I couldn’t believe James’s parents. Stupid stuck up snobs!

 “So how’s your room coming along?” James asked, changing the subject.

 “Good. It is huge. It has a kitchen and bathroom and it looks like I have my own mini apartment!”

 “Wow. That sounds great. But you know what would be good right now?”


 “The taste of your lips and the feel of your arms holding me close…”

 “Don’t get TOO excited.” I chuckled.

 “Aw…” James laughed. “But seriously I can’t stop thinking of you.”

 “Speak for yourself.” I huffed but then the thought of James holding and rubbing me then sucking on my sweet spot popped into my head and I groaned, slightly aroused by the thought.

 “You OK?” He asked and snapped me out of my daydream.

 “Oh um just thinking about you, you perfect mofo, Jimmy!”

 “Oh…say my name again!”

 “Jimmy!” I moaned, laughing. We kept calling out each other’s names for a while.

 “Aidan!” He groaned, chuckling again.

 “OH JIMMY!” I shouted and just as I let out a fake orgasm my moms walked into the room.  “MOMS!”

 I heard Jimmy begin to laugh his ass off. “Um…Aidan…what’s going on?” Bellanca coughed awkwardly.

 “Um…uh…p-pleasing my boyfriend…d-duh!” I stuttered sarcastically. James kept laughing. “SHUT UP JAMES!”

 “OH JIMMY!” He shouted then mimicked my scream then laughed again.

 “You are so mean. You know that right?” My moms shook there heads then walked out.

 “Yeah…Aidan…” He groaned my name and it sounded extremely sexy.

 “Don’t you start this again!” I laughed.

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