Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

James’s Point of View

“What is going on boys? Why was Jennifer crying? And why were you kissing?” Richard asked flustered. “Um…not that I have a problem or anything…but when did this all happen?”

 Aidan and I were sitting in front of Stephen and Richard inside of Richard’s cabin. “Um…ask him. I started out gay!” I looked over at Aidan who was putting up his hands in a surrendering gesture.

 “True…true…” I chuckled, remembering the first night of camp.

 “OK…I have been wondering. James.” Stephen and Richard looked at me and I jolted back into reality.

 “Huh?” I asked.

 “What is going on…I mean what is all this.” Stephen asked. “You told me you were going to get some ladies up here.”

 “Um…well technically…” I rolled my head to Aidan and he glared, knowing what I meant. I coughed awkwardly. “I’m joking.” I winked and he blushed, putting his head down.

 “James…” Stephen urged.

 “I really have no idea. OK? I saw him and my heart leaped. I haven’t ever met a rich kid, my age, that’s not all stuck up and snotty. He was unique and special…I mean he looks like Jayy Von Monroe for petesake. Minus the makeup and piercings. But…when I kissed him… I felt a rush of something.” I blushed deeply, knowing that Aidan was listening to me blurt out my feelings.

 “I…I didn’t want to let go! I wanted to hold onto him forever. I wanted him to call me Jimmy… I never let people call me Jimmy. You know that.” I looked at Stephen then looked at Aidan. “Which you haven’t done in a while…meanie.”

 “Well sorry your tongue was in my mouth!” Aidan blurted then covered his mouth, embarrassed.

 “Shut up! Yours was in mine!” I retorted and Aidan’s jaw dropped.

 “Boys!” Richard chuckled then turned to Stephen. “Don’t they remind you have some people?”

 “Yeah…yeah they do, Richard.” Stephen looked down and sighed. “Should we tell them?”

 Richard nodded and they each held up their left hands showing us a ring. I looked at them carefully and realized they matched. I opened my mouth to say something but Aidan beat me to it.

 “NO WAY! I KNEW IT!” He screeched clapping his hands. “Right James?”

 I nodded, still in shocked. Then I regained my composure and sat up straight and gave Stephen a stern look. “When exactly were you going to tell me this, Stephen?”

 “Um…well.” Stephen scratched the back of his head. “I…”

 “Any who!” Richard interrupted. “We were just thinking that you two reminded us about ourselves.”

 “What do you mean?” Aidan asked.

 “One gay…one not. Falls in love. Spends time in the cabin together. Then realizes they need to go to the bathroom to make out instead.” Richard chuckled.

 “Wait…how did you know?” I asked.

 “Well I told him.” Stephen answered.

 “So if you were like this when you were our age then why did you stop us and tell us to behave?” Aidan seemed annoyed.

 “We had the same situation as you will have in three days. You live in different towns and pair of parents is homophobic. You will only have camp and you two can only come next year and that’s it. The age range is fourteen to eighteen.” Richard explained.

 “Yeah but you two are together and married for petesake! What’s the difference with us?” Aidan sighed.

 “Who says we won’t stay together an get married?” I blurted.

 “What?” Aidan gasped with a deep blush.

 “The difference was is that we had each other for longer and you don’t. And James you don’t have a sister with her own apartment that you can go stay with if your parents disown you.” Stephen explained with a sad tone.

 I felt my heart sink and I slouched back in my chair. “What if I stay with you guys?” I mumbled.

 “You can’t. Um…we’re adopting next month and we won't have room. I’m sorry.” Richard answered.

 “Hey…maybe you can come move in with me!” Aidan suggested then sighed. “Your parents might not like that would they…?”

 I shook my head with another sigh. “They hate me enough…”

 “We are sorry, boys. We really are…” Richard told us. Aidan and I nodded, stood up and left.

 As we closed the door behind us I heard Aidan started to cry. “Don’t cry or I’m going to cry.” I hugged Aidan tightly.

 “I’m going…to miss you so…much…” Aidan said in between sobs.

 “Well at least we can still video chat and message each other. Don’t forget about phone calls.” I began to feel my eyes start to sting with tears.

 “I…know…” Aidan let out a cry and his tears fell on my shoulder.

 “And we have next summer too!” Then I realized… “But that is just so long from now!” I let the tears flow.  “Aidan…I love you so much! You don’t believe how happy I am to have met and fallen in love with you.”

 “I’m so happy I turned you into a fairy! I love you too, James!” Aidan chuckled softly through his sobs.

 I giggled and pulled away from the hug then I saw him pout. “James…will you promise me to not go straight when we're apart.”

 “I promise you, Aidan. I will not jack-off to any girl but you.” I laughed, wiping my tears away.

 “Hey!” He laughed, sniffing. I pushed my lips to his and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

 “I love you…” I told him.

 “I love you two.” He smiled.


The song on the side may be a break up song...I think but I thought the lyrics worked PERFECTLY! So ignore the break up factor of the song!


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