Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Aidan’s Point of View

CUTE BOY ALERT! Oh. My. God. Loving the hair. He was coming straight for the seat beside me.

 “Mind if I sit here man?” He asked with a smooth and relaxed voice.

 “Yeah sure, go ahead…” I nodded. He sat down and sighed and a pretty girl walked past him.

 “Thank god…” He sighed again.

 “What?” I asked confused.

 “That girl just past us…she is my creepy stalker…James…” He sat up in the seat and held out his hand for a shake.

 “Aidan…and that must suck.” I replied, taking his firm hand. “Not to be weird or anything but your hands are so soft! What moisturizer do you use?”

 He let go of my hand looked at his. Crap…bad first impression. “I don’t think I use moisturizer…but thanks.” He smiled at me. Phew…he doesn’t think I’m weird.

 “No problem…it’s just something I notice.” I smiled back feeling myself go warm. He is too cute!

 “Well as long as we are complimenting each other. Your eyes are really sparkly.” He chuckled and his cheeks tinted pink.

 “Thanks…but they are actually contacts. My eyes are naturally brown.” I sighed. “I use these so my eyes aren’t boring.” James looked shocked for a moment but then he smiled.

 “So is this your first time going to camp?” James asked me as the bus pulled out of the parking lot.

 “No but it is my first time going Camp Lion Heart. I used to go to camps all the time when I was younger.” I replied thinking back to when I was being chased by girls at camp.

 “Me too…as in, it’s my first time going to Camp Lion Heart… but I have never been to camp. Sadly I haven’t even been on a bus before!” He chuckled.

 “WHAT?” I shouted and people stared. “What are you looked at?” I snapped. “Anyway…what? You have never been on a bus?”

 James started laughing. “You are too funny.”

 “What? What did I do?” I stared at him.

 “Yes…I have never been on a bus…I have been taken every where in a limo since I was five.” He sighed, stopping his laughter.

 “Wow…that is sad. I’m a rich mother -fucker but you don’t see me not taking a public bus to the coffee shop. I don’t even think my moms own a limo!”

 “Moms?” He asked curiously.

 “My moms…what? I got lesbo parents…got a problem?”

 “Why would I have a problem? Aren’t you gay? Just wondering.”

 “Is it that obvious?” I laughed.

 “Well you do have the same hairdo as Jayy from BOTDF…” He laughed.

 “Oh my God! You know Blood on the Dance Floor too?” No way!


 “I have found my people.” I almost chanted.

 “Oh my God…” he laughed. “You are so quirky…”

 “You got a problem?” I snapped.

 “No! I don’t have a problem with you! You are just so…different! I love it! Oh my God…you the best rich person ever!” He laughed.

 “Aw thanks…” I giggled. His laugh was ridiculously hot. “Any way…do you use hair products because I am loving your hair?”

 “Well I use Shampoo and Conditioner…”

 “What kind?”

 “Head & Shoulders.”

 “Really? No way…”

 “Yes way…why are you interested?”

 “I don’t mean to sound creepy but…you look fucking perfect!”

 “I know!” He flipped his hair back. “So do you know how long this bus ride is?”

 “About and hour or so left of it I think…” I told him and he nodded.

 “So how are you rich?” He asked.

 “My mom, Bellanca is a the 3rd best surgeon in the North America and my other mom, River is a lawyer…a really good one.” I answered. “How about you?”

 “My dad is a judge and my mom runs an Airline…is your mom River Walker?” He asked me.


 “I met her! She came over for dinner a few months ago as one of my father’s dinner guests. I didn’t know she was a lesbian. No offense…”

 “None taken…but wait are you Bill Harrison’s son?”

 “Yeah! James Harrison…the one and only! But you can call me Jimmy…and that is a rare opportunity just so you know…”

 "What? To call you Jimmy?”

 “Yeah! The only other person who calls me that is my limo driver and my dog, Aladd.”

 “What? Aladd…the dog says your name. Wait what does Aladd mean?”

 “No I’m joking. But Aladd as in Aladdinsane…you know…David Bowie!”

 “No way! I love David Bowie…my pet red fish is named Ziggy Stardust and my hamster’s name is Blue Jean!”

 “COOL!” He shouted. People stared. “What?” He looked at them and they turned away.

 “Anyway…why do you want ME to call you Jimmy instead of James?” I asked. I feel so special.

 “I like you…” he smiled casually. Oh. My God. He thinks I’m special! Well he didn’t say that but…same difference. “Like a close friend, I mean.”


 “I feel so special!” I giggled. I sound like a giddy schoolgirl. “I must make good impressions!”

 “Yup…” He sighed and leaned back in his seat. “These seats are so comfy I might just fall asleep right now…” He literally fell asleep.

 His eyes closed and he bit his lip softly. Those lips look delicious! Slowly but sure enough he fell asleep and his lips relaxed and let out soft breathes as he slept.

 I wonder if he would notice if I lifted his shirt up to see how his body looks?

 I put my hand out to him but then pulled back. There are other people on the bus Aidan…restrain yourself.


Just so you readers know, I'm going to make references to things I like in my life such as movies, celbrities and books. I will explain after the chapter or you can google it or

The namesI just used:

* David Bowie is a Singer/Songwriter/Artist/Actor *

Ziggy Stardust-David Bowie made up the character for his performances for two years in the 70's.

Aladdinsane (A lad insane)- The name of a David Bowie album from 1973.

Blue Jean- A David Bowie song from the album 'Tonight' from 1984.

Jayy from BOTDF (Blood on the Dance Floor)- A guy from a band I like called BOTDF (Yoy can look him up to know what Aidan's hairdo looks like!)


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