Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Eddie's P.O.V

I text Aleks again and he didn't text back . I feel bad now ,shouldn't of done it. The thing is that I'm gay and I like Aleks but no one knows that . I sighed as I flopped down on my bed thinking about what I should do .

Aleks P.O.V

I wake up to sun shining in my face . Wtf ? I sigh and sit up and look at the clock seeing it was only 4:00pm I get up a go to the living room and sit on the couch . I flip through the channels seeing nothing interesting but stop on C.S.I . About thirty minutes of watching that I decided to call James . *ring ring riinnnggg* (James) "hello ?" Hey James what's up? "Nothing what about you? " nothing just woke up to the sun shining in my fucking eyes . "We'll do You want to come over to the house ?" Sure I guess ,"okay I will be there in like 20min okay? Okay see you when you get here . *click* once I hung up I went to my room and changed into a red shirt with khaki jeans . Once me and James got to the house I got out of the car and James opened the door . Damn dude this house is huge! It's not much Aleks calm down James says . Just then kootra comes in and sits at his desk . Oh hey Aleks what's up? Said Jordan nothing just came to visit . Seamus comes out with his jacket on with keys in his Hand. Where you going Sea? James asks . Going to get food ,what do you all want ?. We all said subway. Okay I will be back in a few . Hey, where is sly? I ask . Oh he's in his room James said . I'll go check on him I say as a walk to his room. Hey sly! I say as I knock on his door "knock knock" sly open the damn door! . I hear faint crying in his room. I sigh as I shove the door . Thank god I was able to get in. I walk over to his bed and sit down . Hey dude ,you okay? Sly? Sly answer me. I sit him up and look him in the eyes. Eddie tell me what's wrong I say . "Do you really want to know what's wrong? He asks. Yes Eddie I'm your best friend you can tell me anything . But u will get mad and hate me forever he says as he starts sobbing . I lift his head up and say I will NEVER hate you ... I promise he looks me in the eyes as he leans in and presses our lips together --

So how did you like the second chapter? Mhhmmm did you like it? Please give me comments and feedback cuz I love it :) well I will see you all soon bai .

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