Chapter 13

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Aleks P.O.V

I look him dead in the eyes and ask him,

"Why did you do it?" I say.

" I-I wasn't thinking Aleks. It's just she kissed me...and then I couldn't pull back. B-But I stopped it though and I got out of there once I stopped it, I promise" said Eddie with tears starting to brim in his eyes again.

My eyes turn from anger to guiltiness. 'I hate yelling at him. I really do. I hate seeing my baby crying and upsupset and then for me to be here yelling at him. I know he kissed back...but at least he had stopped it before it got any farther' I say in my head.

" A-Aleks...i understand if you don't want me anymore. I know I messed up and this is my consiquence..its only what I deserve" said Eddie as tears streamed down his face.

I look at him once more as I slowly walk towards him and sit down next to him on the bed. I bite my lip as I hesitantly wrap my arms around him. He lays his head on the crook of my neck as he clings to my shirt. He sits there sobbing as I hold him. " E-Eddie?" I ask

" Y-Yes Aleks?" he says with his face still on the crook of my neck.

"Eddie...I know you did kiss Rachel and all..but i love you to much to leave you.. Everyone makes mistakes Eddie. Even me." I say to him as I lift his head up.

He looks at me still with tears in his eyes and is sniffling. I caress his cheek with my right hand as I wipe the tears off of his face. I look into his chocolate brown eyes as I lean in and give him a calm slow kiss. He returns the kiss and wraps his arms around my neck as I hold him on my lap.

We sit there peacefully kissing and holding eachother until we hear a knock on the door. We part the kiss to see Seamus in the doorway.

"Well I see that you and him made up" said Seamus as he smiles.

"Yeah...I couldn't be mad at him forever. After all..everyone makes mistakes." I say to him. Seamus smiles again as he closes the door leaving us alone in peace.

"B-Babe?" asked Eddie.

"Yeah Eddie?" I say.

"Can we lay down and cuddle? I'm really tired and I want to cuddle with you" he says as he gives me puppy dog eyes. I chuckle as I nod my head yes as we lay down under the covers. I wrap my arms around his waist as he cuddles up to my chest.

"I love you so much Aleks....I thought I would lose you. I-I could never live without you. I...I would even go against my No No Topics and end my life...because I couldn't be without you" Says Eddie with tears starting to prick in his eyes again.

" You will never lose me Eddie....never I say to him as I give him a kiss on the forehead. And please don't cry again babe.... I never like seeing or hearing you cry. It makes me upset knowing my baby is hurting" I say to him as I pull him closer to me.

He smiles as he cuddles up more to me. I chuckle slightly as I feel my eyes start to droop as sleep takes me.


Merry Christmas everyone!!! I had to make this chapter on christmas....AND..They both made up! yee. So if any of you were upset cuz of dem feels...ish ok now ^-^ they are made up and happy ;3


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