Chapter 19

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Aleks P.O.V

I raise my hand and slightly knock on Eddie's door. After a few brief moments the door opens, and I stand face to face with Eddie. He looked depressed, and un-healthy. Seamus was telling the truth when he said Eddie hasn't been eating. I could tell by his shape. He was skinnier than normal, and he had bags under his eyes, along with a tear stained face. I looked up and him as we stood there. It took him a few seconds to notice it was me, there, standing in front of him.

His eyes suddenly widened, like he didnt think I was there.

"A-Aleks?" he asks quietly.

"Yes, it's me" I say slightly smiling.

I soon feel him tackle me in a huge hug, his arms wrapped around my neck.

"I-I missed you so much Aleks. I thought you left me" he said, his voice slightly cracking, as if he was about to cry.

I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist, smiling slightly, happy to be re-united back with my lovely boyfriend.

"I missed you too Eddie" I say enjoying the warm embrace we were sharing.

"I-I love y-you" he said voice cracking ever so slightly.

"I love you too Eddie, so so much" I say.

I soon feel my shirt get soaked with his tears.

I pull back from the embrace, and caress his cheek with my hand.

"No crying babe. Im here, and you won't lose me" I say smiling slightly as I use my thumb to wipe the tear that started rolling down his cheek.

I see him smile slightly as he sniffs a bit.

I smile, looking into his beautiful brown eyes. I lean in and kiss him, sparks going off inside my stomach, just like when we had our first kiss.

He kisses back, smiling into the kiss. Our lips move gently, moving in sync, fitting together like a puzzle.

I intertwine our fingers together as we resume our kiss. We felt as if the world had stopped, and it was just us. We kissed, the kiss full of emotion and passion.

I felt as if it were a dream, a wonderful dream. We continued our wonderful kiss, until we were interrupted by a slamming door, and loud yelling and cursing.

We pull back from the kiss and look at each other in confusion. We walk out of the room and stand by the stairs, too see Seamus at one end of the room, and James standing by the door, both of the yelling at one another.

"Oh shit" I say my eyes widened, as my kidnapper stands there yelling at Seamus.

"How could you James?!" yelled Seamus, anger in his voice.

"What do you mean?! What did I do!" Replied James, still by the door.


"I didn't do SHIT. I did NOT capture him and rape him and abuse him!" Said James.

"W-What's going on?" asked Eddie, turning his head to look at me.

I sigh and look down, taking a deep breath.

"To be honest, James kidnapped me while I was walking in a forest. Then he abused me, and he raped me" I say biting my lip.

"He RAPED you?!" Said Eddie, a bit loud enough to make Seamus and James look at us.

"Shhhh" I say looking at James.

He looked at me, anger in his expression.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" I say repeatedly in my head.

"Aleks, come down here please. And have Eddie come with you" said Seamus, looking at me.

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