Chapter 11

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Eddie P.O.V

I sit there frozen in my spot as Rachel's lips are still on mine. I want to pull back but I cant. But instead of pulling back , I start too kiss back. She wraps her hands around my neck as I wrap my arms around her waist as we fall back into her couch. I hover over her and start to kiss her neck. She moans as she starts to fiddle with my shirt. I get up and take my shirt off as I lean back down to kiss her on her lips. "E-Eddie" she moans. I dart my tongue into her mouth until the memories of earlier of me and Aleks flood into my head. My eyes widen as I take my lips off hers and scoot back from the couch. " What's wrong baby?" asked Rachel. " Th-This is wrong ... we shouldn't be doing this" I said to her as I wipe my mouth with my hands. " It's fine Eddie. We can keep it a secret" she said as she crawls over to me. She lays me back with her hands and straddles me. She leans down and starts to suck and kiss my nipples and she has one of her hands in my hair, and her other hand on my chest. " Eddie Ive always loved you and now I want to fu-" she says but gets cut off when the door opens to see her boyfriend walk into the house with roses in his hand. " Wh-what the fuck is going on here Rachel?!" he asks. Rachel doesn't say a word. I get up off the floor and grab my shirt and head out of her house. I wipe the cold sweat off my forehead as I get in my car and drive home.

I get in the house and take my shoes of and set them by the door. " Hey Eddie" said Aleks as he walks by me to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water. " H-hey Aleks" I say as I walk into the living room and turn on the TV. I switch the tv to some random channel and watch it. " Hey Sly. What's up" said Seamus as he plops himself beside me on the couch. " Nothing Seamus." I say as I cross my arms and continue to watch the tv. " Come on Sly I know you better than that. What's wrong?" asked Seamus. I groan as I turn to face him. " Ok. When I got to Rachel's house to hang out she kissed me." I said. " That's it? That isn't THAT bad" he said.

" That's not it. She kissed me ... and I kissed back and she straddled me. We were making out Seamus" I said to him. He looked at me blanked face and didnt say anything. " Well. All I can say is you know you have to tell Aleks" said Seamus. " B-but I can't hurt him Seamus. I can't hurt him and I don't want to hurt him." But you have to tell him no matter what Eddie. If you don't then if he finds out the hard way it will hurt him more" said Seamus. I sigh as I put my head in my hands as I slightly cry. "I don't want him to get hurt. I shouldn't of done it. Im such an asshole. I don't deserve him. He deserves someone like Jakey. I know jakey would treat him right. I know he loves him, and I know jakey would be happy to have him" I say to myself. Seamus wraps his arms around me as I cry on his shoulder. He rubs circles on my back as I soak his shirt in tears. Once I'm done crying I sigh as I get up off the couch and clean my glasses. " Good lucky Eddie" said Seamus as he flashes me a smile. I know he is a sarcastic asshole most of the times, but he can be really serious at other times. I thank Seamus with a hug as I walk to me and Aleks' room. I gulp as I turn the door knob and walk in. I see him sitting at his computer texting someone on Skype and listening to music. I walk up to him and tap him on his shoulder. He takes his headset off and turns the chair around and pulls me into a tender kiss. " Hey Babe" he said as he shows me the smile that I love but don't deserve. " Sit down Aleks , we need to talk" I say to him. Fear appears in his eyes as his face turns whiter than normal as he sits down on the bed. I gulp as I take his hands in mine. " Aleks , I haven't been truthful to you." I say as I hang my head low. " What do you mean babe? " asked Aleks as he lifts my head up with his hand. " When I had went to Rachel's house for a visit ... she kissed me" I say to him. " B-but you didn't kiss back .. right Eddie ? " Asked Aleks with hope in his eyes. I look up at him and say " y-yes ..I kissed back " I say as I bite my lip and look away from him. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. He says nothing but walks out of the room. I sit there silently until I hear the front door slam. I cringe at the sound of it. I sigh as I take off my shirt and boxers and lay in bed. " Ive messed up... I'm the worst boyfriend ever " I said to myself. I lay in bed until I cry myself to sleep.

Heh..srry about le delay of this chapter my dear Fluffs. My most sincere apology. xc But anyways ... Ahem.. since it is the Christmas season now .. I would like any of you to post a comment telling me what you want for Christmas and what you would like to request for me to make! I can try to make it. c: it's a special Christmas season treat.

~Have A Fluffy Day Or Night Fluffs~


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