Chapter 14

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Ahem...I want to say I'm sorry for not writing a chapter for a bit of awhile. /.\ I again have been having writers block and I...I couldnt write a bad chapter for you all. Well I hope this chapter is ok because I tried even though I'm still almost brain dead on ideas this time.


Eddie P.O.V

I wake up with Aleks's arm around me. I smile at him and gently move his arm off me. I get up and stretch and shiver from the coldness of my bare feet on the hardwood floor. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and walk to my drawer and grab some clothes.

I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water to warm and strip down. I step in the shower and start to wash myself off. I wash my hair and condition it, and wash the rest of my body off. Once I finish I turn off the water and step out grabbing a towel and drying myself off. I put on a purple hipo shirt and some gray boxers. I slip on some black jeans and fix my hair. I smile at myself in the mirror. I get my toothbrush and brush my teeth. After fully brushing my teeth I flash a small checking my teeth. I then step out of the bathroom putting my dirty clothes in the hamper. I look over to my bed seeing Aleks still sleeping with the covers spread everywhere. I chuckle as I walk out of the room gently closing the door so I won't wake him. I skip down the stairs to see Seamus and James sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart.

"Sup guys" I say plopping myself on the end of the right side of the couch.

"Yo. I'm trying to beat Sea here in Mario Kart" said James trying to concentrate on the game.

"Fuck! You dick!" Yelled Seamus as James threw a red shell at him in the game hitting him.

I sit there and chuckle at Seamus raging. "You both are stupid" I say smiling.

"Yeah mhm. Saying the person who tried killing a werewolf if minecraft with a wooden sword" said Seamus chuckling racing in front of James in the game.

"Hey! That was the past...leave me alone about it" I say pouting.

"YES! I won!" Said Seamus throwing his hands in the air at his victory against James.

"Ok ok ok ...we get it. No need to brag about it" said James while putting down the controller.

"Oh come on. You know damn well you would've done the same thing" replied Seamus pointing his finger at James.

I look at James as he scoffs folding his arms. I get off the couch and walk to the kitchen grabbing a soda. I hear James bark something and Seamus about his victory. I chuckle and skip upstairs not wanting to hear their bickering that's about to happen.

I get to my room to see Aleks laying down on his stomach on his phone supposedly on twitter.

"Hey babe" I say walking to the bed plopping myself down on it.

"Sup Sly" he says eyes glued to his phone.

I roll my eyes opening my soda and taking a sip of it.

"Eddie can I have a sip?" He asks looking up from his phone.

"Oh you wanna talk" I say chuckling.

"I'm sowy babe..pwease" he asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. You know I can't resist when you do that" I say handing him the bottle.

"Yee thanks babe" he says sitting up and taking a drink from it.

"Your welcome. I was wondering if you ya'know wanna cuddle and watch a movie on Netflix" I say relaxing on the bed.

"Sure. Why not. I love spending time with you" he says setting the bottle down on the desk next to his side of the bed.

"Ok. What do you wanna watch?" I ask getting up quickly turning on my Xbox and getting on Netflix.

"Uhh I dunno. How about 'The Blind Side?" He asks.

"Ok. I'm down for that" I say laying on the bed patting the bed signaling for him to come over.

He nods laying beside me putting his head on my chest. I chuckle as I wrap my arm around him and start the movie. I kiss his head as he snuggles more into me.


Ok there was that chapter. I hope it wasn't bad or anything like that. Well that's it for me this time!

Bai! ;3 ~Angel

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