Chapter 15

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Aleks P.O.V

We lay in the bed snuggled up together enjoying the movie. I suddenly hear soft snores. I look up to see Eddie fast alseep snoring quietly.

I giggle a bit wiggling out of his grasp and grabbing the Xbox controller turning off the movie. I scoot off the bed and stretch hearing a pop in my back. I walk out of the room and downstairs to grab a water and a cookie. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I get it out of my pocket to see that Kevin texted me. I decide to not text him back but call him.

After a few rings I hear him pick up.

"Hey Aleks what's up?" asked Kevin on the other line.

"Nothin much. Just snacking on a cookie. Eddie fell asleep in the middle of the movie so I went ahead and turned it off" I say taking a bite out of my cookie.

"Oh. Cool. So Aleks .. I wanted to ask how has your life been?" asked Kevin clearing his throat.

"It's been good I guess. Nothing really different has happened" I say finishing off my cookie and taking a sip of my water.

"But anyways about me. How has your live been Kev?" I ask leaning against the counter.

"Well...Im doing great actually" said Kevin his voice lightening up

"Well that's good. Do ya got a girlfriend yet?" I ask a bit curious.

"Oh yeah. I'm goin out with Swootery, or as some people call her 'Swoot' " said Kevin happy as can be.

"Well I'm happy for you. Im glad you have someone that you really like" I say smiling.

"Well I gotta go Aleks. Im going out to dinner with Swoot" said Kevin.

"Ok. Talk to ya later Kev" I say.

We say our goodbyes and he hangs up. I yawn and stretch and I drink the rest of my water and skip back upstairs to where Eddie is at. I walk in the room and shut the door flicking off the light. I yawn again and crawl into bed with Eddie snuggling up against him.

I feel him wrap his arms around me holding me close to him. I smile as I drift off into sleep

~Morning Timeeee~

I wake up breathing in air for my lungs. I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes while getting up. I see Eddie is still alseep in bed.

"Damn...he sleep for a hella lot of time" I say chuckling. I walk to the drawers and grab out some random clothes and walking to the bathroom.

I turn on the water and strip down stepping in the shower. I wet my hair and start to warsh it. After I finish that I wash down my body getting all clean and smelling good. After I'm all done I turn the water off and step out grabbing a towl and drying myself off.

I slip on a purple hipo shirt and some blue jeans. I fix my hair to how I please and I step out of the bathroom putting the close in the hamper.

I slip on some vans and a black beanie and grabbing my keys. I slip on my jacket and go downstairs walking to the kitchen.

I quickly grab a poptart from the cabinet and eating it. I throw the wrapper away and walk outside breathing in the air.

I start to walk down the sidewalk enjoying my time alone. I notice while I'm walking that across the street there is a forest with a pathway on it.

I look both ways across the street not wanting to walk and get hit by a car. After I see there is no cars I walk across the street and find my way face to face with a forest.

I shrug it off noticing its pretty dark in the forest.

"Wait... how is it sunny out here... but dark as fuck In this forest?" I ask myself. I shrug and start my way into the dense forest.

~5 hours later~

I continue to walk not knowing where I'm going. It seems that it's getter darker by the second each step I take into this forest. I suddenly hear a noise making me jump as I trip over a root from a tree. I fall back landing on my ass. I stumble to get up looking around. I take a breath and shrug it off once again. I start my walk again slightly hearing crickets and owls. I suddenly hear faint footsteps behind me.

My heartbeat seems to quicken and I start to panic. I constantly hear the footsteps getting louder as I walk. I swallow the lump in my throat and start to walk faster. The more I walk... the more I hear footsteps.

"Hello Aleksandr" Said a voice.

My heart beat is going at a hundred miles per hour.

"W-What the fuck?...A-Am I hearing voices??" I ask myself.

I walk a bit faster afraid of what is out here.

"There's no turning back Aleksandr. Stop running it's no use" said a deep voice along with a dark chuckle.

"W-Why do I hear voices?! What...what is happening?" I ask.

I stop dead in my tracks and look around trying to find the mysterious person.

"Don't try to run Aleks... You won't get far" said the voice again.

"W-Who are you!" I say.

All there is, is silence.

"I said WHO ARE YOU?!?"

There was nothing but silence ... no birds ... no crickets ... nothing.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME!" I say scared out of my mind.

I gulp trying to calm down. I breathe a sigh until I feel someone wrap their arm around me and a cloth put to my mouth. I try to scream but it's muffled by the cloth.

I try to squirm out of the persons grip but they are to strong.

I suddenly feel myself slowly dipping into darkness.

"No! Stay awake!" said my mind.

Before I knew it the world before me faded into black ...


.....well..there is that chapter ....well ahem I'm done here for now ... see ya next time! ^_^

*walks out the door*




An follow if ya want! (:

Bai all mah fluffs until next time x3 ~Angel

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