Seeing Your Death - L, Mello, Matt

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L, Mello, and Matt witnessing their significant other die.

L: You'd been driving for what seemed like years, in front of you lay an endless sea of road.
Your boyfriend L sat next to you in the passenger seat staring out of his window, still in awe of everything you passed.
You still had no idea what fascinated him so much, it was just trees and a few fields with cattle every now and again, but he was transfixed on them. You lost yourself in thought, the eyes that had been watching the road were now staring off into the distance as you pictured yourself back at home, in bed.
As you daydreamed you didn't notice the large buck run out in front of the road.
L wasn't able to warn you in time, and you slammed into the deer at full speed. While you wore a seatbelt and the airbags deployed, it wasn't enough to save you.
By the time 9-1-1 came to the scene of the accident you were long gone. L couldn't help but blame himself.
After all, he had suggested a little road trip.
'I should've had Watari drive...' he thought, 'I should have noticed you weren't paying attention.'
His mind was an endless abyss of horrible words thrown at himself, tossing the blame of your death on himself.

Mello: After several weeks of non-stop begging Mello had finally allowed you to join him at work. He forced you to stay by his side all day, but even so it was a start.
You didn't want to be part of the mafia or anything of that sort, you just wanted to observe, and when you'd gotten your fill you'd eventually start staying behind and let Mello do his own thing in private. Sadly, though that wouldn't happen.
Mello had brought you with him on the wrong day. L's former task force had infiltrated the mafia's headquarters.
They thought anyone near the place was a danger and would either be taken in for questioning or shot.
As Mello's capture/death was the top priority for task force, seeing you so close to him only meant you'd be taken down too. Mello managed to escape death, but was forced to leave your body behind.
He ran until he lost track of time, and collapsed in a heap on the ground, sobs racking his body.

Matt: It wasn't often that you got Matt to leave your apartment, he preferred staying in honestly. You didn't mind of course, it only made outings with him more special.
Your hand had intertwined with his as you walked along the sidewalk. It was a simple walk, nothing much, but still more than you normally got out of him.
While the two of you walked in a comfortable silence, you spotted a video game store across the street.
In an attempt to get Matt to come out more often you suggested going to the store.
"Sure, why not." he replied with a shrug. He let go of your hand and began walking towards the store.
You frowned slightly, missing the physical contact. You ran after him in an attempt to catch up, not looking before you'd crossed the street.
As Matt turned to check on you, a look of horror crossed his face. He'd turned just as a bright yellow taxi slammed into you.

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