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Today was an off day for Justin surprisingly. He was just relaxing watching tv until he heard Gigi screaming upstairs. He didn't feel like moving so he stayed put.

She came running downstairs and into the living jumping up and down.

"Omg OMG omg I'm walking in the CHANEL runway!!" She squealed jumping up and down.

Justin didn't really care "oh wow thats great" he said focused on the television.

Gigi wasn't in the mood to pick a fight so she decided to make things better by cuddling up to Justin hinting at something they haven't done in a long time.

"We haven't gone out in a long time babe why don't we have a celebratory dinner?" She smiled rubbing his arm.

"Yeah we can when our marriage gets better" Justin said angrily standing up leaving.

Gigi just rolled her eyes,she didn't understand why Justin was always so harsh towards her. When the real reason he was always so harsh towards her was because she always tried to act as if she's with him for love when really it's for publicity.

It was pretty late at night so Justin decided it would be a perfect idea to go to his office and just do some late night paperwork. That was pretty much his "escape".

When he got in the car he decided to actually text Rae. He's only known her for about a day but he felt that she was someone he could trust.

(Justin's in italics,Rae's in bold)

Hey can you talk?

Hey and yeah I'm available why what's on your mind?

I just need someone to vent out too and you give me the feeling that I can trust you deeply?

Well we shouldn't talk about this over text lets meet ;)

well I'm heading to my office we can meet there

Alright I'll see you there

Justin turned off his phone and was on his way to his office.
When Justin arrived he immediately started going over paperwork and documents. There was a knock on his door and he knew he was expecting Rae so he told her to come in.

Soon the door closed and when Justin finally looked up he saw Rae walk in and those same feelings came over him when he saw her for the first time.

"Thanks for meeting up with me" thanked Justin

"It's no problem at all,but you wanted to open up so you can right now" Rae said while giving Justin a warm smile.

"Let's sit somewhere comfortable" Justin said standing up leading Rae to the luxurious love seat.

They sat down and Justin explained everything that had happened between him and Gigi.

"So yeah pretty much that's what happened,she acts as if we don't have any problems"

"Well it honestly sounds like you're just lashing out at her at times" confessed Rae

"I know I do but I can't help it,I have a feeling she may be bipolar" breathed Justin making Rae laugh a little.

"Well try actually being open to her and tell her how you feel instead of keeping it all in because maybe she truly is a sweet person deep down" advised Rae.

"Wow you're a really positive person" smiled Justin

"Oh trust me right now I am but soon you'll see all types of bitchiness" laughed Rae

They both laughed and then a thought came to Justin's mind.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked Rae,he saw her sort of shift as if she was uncomfortable. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he apologized

"It's alright,but I don't really focus on my love life but no I haven't been "in" love yet" she responded.

Justin again got mesmerized by her beauty. He didn't even realized that he was checking her out. Rae cleared her throat to wake him up out of his little dream.

"Oh uh sorry I don't know what's happening" apologized Justin with his cheeks turning red as he sat up straight.

"It's alright because you know exactly what you want, why don't you just get it?" Asked Rae with a smirk as she put her hand on Justin's thigh.

He instantly started getting intimated and nervous. He knew that he did want this but cheating on Gigi?,what if they got caught that would ruin his life.

After a while Justin didn't care him and Rae started going at it right there in his office. Justin and Gigi haven't been intimate in four months. This to Justin was absolute heaven.

Afterwards they both knew they were going to want more.

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