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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. As I picked it up I checked the time and it was twelve o'clock in the morning. I stayed up late last night making designs for the upcoming fashions shows for Paris fashion week.

I answered the phone and it was a number I didn't quite recognize.

"Hello who's calling?" I asked.

"Oh hi this is Gigi sorry I hope I didn't interrupt anything" she apologized. I was confused on how she got my number and
Why she was calling me.

"Oh no it's fine" I assured her although I wanted this call to be over already.

"Well your probably wondering how I got you number or why I'm calling but I got Justin to give me your number and also I was wondering if you wanted to meet somewhere and get to know each other" she said sounding all happy go lucky.

I'm not stupid and I know when people like to take advantage of me so I just went through with it.

"Alright where do you want to meet?"

She gave me the address of the place she wanted to meet at. It was some coffee shop so I went along. I got ready and was on my way.

When I arrived i saw her at a table on her phone. We hugged each other and I took a seat. We immediately started talking well mostly her.

"Oh my gosh I still can't believe you're doing business with my husband!" She announced for the fiftieth time.

"Well he's a great business man" I replied back with a fake smile.

"That's good to hear although he isn't a great husband, er.sorry that just slipped out" she gasped taking a sip of her drink.

I decided to use this to get as much information out of her as I could.

"Oh no no no it's okay if you want to say something you can just say it" I smiled trying to be convincing that I actually gave a fuck about her fucked about marriage. I know I'm harsh but I don't care because I have better things to be doing.

"Well he's just never around anymore he's always at the office and he's just been getting on my nerves overall,like we just had an intimate moment yesterday for the first time in four months so I guess over those four months he got a whole bunch of tattoos and tattoos to me are disgusting and unprofessional" then I saw her look down at my hand and see the many tattoos I had.

She got a look of embarrassment on her face.

"I don't think this meeting is going anywhere I'm gonna go" I state as I stand up. She started to apologize so I decided to just not overreact so I sat back down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you"

"Well just be careful next time" I snap

"Okay but anyways Justin's just complicated,but he helps me in many ways" she rambles on I roll my eyes on the inside because what kind of women talks crap about her husband to someone she's recently met.

"Wow that's a shame that you have to go through that,why are you still with him?" I question leaving her a bit surprised.

"Well for one he's a billionaire and he's pretty good In bed amazing actually" she states while smiling.

I could tell she was very stuck up and obviously a gold digger. She's obviously never been genuinely loved by anyone m.

"Well thank you for inviting me out for coffee this morning but I've got to go handle some business" I thanked her standing up.

I put on my sunglasses as I walked out of the coffee shop. I got into my car and called Justin. He answers almost right away.

"You won't believe who I just had coffee with" I laughed.

"Who?" He asked confused.

"Mrs.Bieber" I said laughing. He sighed in annoyance into the phone. "Did I call at the wrong time?" I questioned.

"No you didn't it's just she's trying to score some cool points with you so she can be seen as some fashion legend"

"Oh trust me that's not going to happen"

"Oh I trust you" he said with his low sexy voice.

"You want to meet up later tonight?"


"Meet me at my place after work"

"Alright see you tonight"

"Okay bye"

Tonight was going to change his life.

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