Chapter 13: The Retaliation of The Earthling Saiyan

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A/N: Espeon804 here with another great chapter! Finally! We get to see Frieza get a taste of his own medicine! I know, I know, a lot of you wanted Raditz to go ssj but the polls had Goku as the top. It's an alternate story anyway. Honestly, it would have been cool if Raditz was the one to have done it, so I did that poll since I couldn't decide.

(I don't own image! All credit goes to creator! Click on it you will see the full picture! It matches a section of this chapter well!)
(Also, I recently added a video of Goku's ssj transformation in Dragon Ball Z Kai, from one of my favorite episodes. If you only saw DBZ, I recommend watching this! Many people say the scream is much more powerful and epic in this kai scene!)

ALERT: So I apologize for the ridiculously long-behind wait. It's not entirely my fault. I have a list of reasons why there has been such a huge delay:

Bad case of writer's block: I had no idea what to do with this chapter and the next ones to make it stand out from the original story. So warning ahead of time; the next few chapters may be half as long as normal.

High School finals and schedule changes: Many of you already know that I am in school. I had to take a bunch of finals and pray that I pass all classes. (I did! 3 A's, 2 B's, and a C! Stupid 76. If only I wasn't feeling sick that one day...) Plus, it's now a fresh new semester so I have a few new classes I have to get use to before I can determine how much I can put my time into this.

Internet is down: House has no internet. So updates? Ha! Be lucky that I managed to publish this chapter! You might not see another for another good months!

Plot bunnies: I hate them . New fanfic came out so...yeah...

Lacking motivation: I have no idea why but lately I have lost the feel to write. When I have the time I just don't do it because I wasn't in the mood. Odd if you ask me.

Mistakes and typos: You see it all the time. I can't go one chapter without a mistake or typo. Then someone comes along and reviews about those mistakes. I don't mind, really, but i hate it when I look over it and still get mistakes. Sometimes I feel that there's even grammar mistakes too. Maybe that could be one of the reasons why I stopped writing for a while.

Brother irritates... urgh.: There's going to be a day when I will punch my brother on the face. He tells me all the time: "You need to stop writing fanfictions! Stop being a Weeaboo!" Okay... excuse my language because honestly, I don't cuss so....

What the HELL is a Weeaboo?! I don't even think I spelled that right!

So I looked it up and I feel offended. Look... I am... not that kind of person.

It's okay if someone likes to watch a lot of anime. I admit, I love watching anime. But seriously? I am not obsessed with Japanese culture... and why would anyone try to speak Japanese if they don't even know how to speak it or understand it? It's just... weird... and then they claim they were born there too...

Heck, I'm taking Chinese class for the fun of it because I like to learn other languages and now my brother is constantly calling me a Weeaboo. Dude... I am born and raised in America like you. I'm an American. And you know... it's sad how many people hate us. What did I do wrong for just being born in the U.S? But whatever.

Forgive me I offended some of you readers out there. I am not being mean.. I hate being mean. Some people tell me that I'm too nice. If some of you put there is what one would classify as a Weeaboo, hey, I have no problem with that. I don't judge people. It's sad how this world is so quick to judge. I hate stereotype thinkers. You're suppose to know a person before you judge them. Why are some people racists? I will never understand. It's like a grey dog hating a badge dog. It's ridiculous. If I tell you that I am an African-American, will you turn back now and look for another fanfic to read because of that fact alone? Because I really am what I said, and I hate how many of them are making us look bad! Seriously... just... stop watching Maury. If you don't know about that show, thank you.

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