Chapter 1:

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Slamming the door on his wife, Rick sinks to the floor after their final fight. Rick Grimes is a passive man, but his wife cheating on him with his deputy- Shane- that was the final straw to break the camel's back. She hid it from him- even after she told him she was pregnant. Lori used to be a faithful wife and douting mother, but lately she has been distant and easy to anger.

Wiping his eyes with the back of his hands, Rick doesn't know how they drifted so far apart. It's like that scene in Cast Away when Tom Hanks throws "Wilson" the volleyball off the raft cause they had a fight, but as soon as Wilson drifts farther and farther away, Tom just wanted him back.

The only difference is, Rick is Wilson and Lori is Tom Hanks. She demanded a divorxe two months ago, but now that it's final- she's appologizing and says she wants to be with him and only him.

A bunch of Bullshit if you ask me.

Carl, their 10 year old son, knows nothing about Lori cheating, but only that his Mom and Dad are over. He knew it was coming when Daryl Dixon, Rick's best friend, picked him up earlier today so they could hang out. Really, he just picked him up so he could avoid seeing this- the fallout. With his Mom being 7 months pregant, Carl doesn't know how a new baby will work in this relationship- especially if both Shane and Rick think it's theres. But Carl minds his own business, he doesn't have to think about who he's going to live with- it's quite simple. His Dad.

"Daryl. Can I ask you something?" Carl asks the tall gruff man beside him as they eat ice cream and watch toy sail boats race around the park's pond.

"Sure." Daryl grumbles. Rick's his friend, but he doesn't like babysitting the cry baby. Daryl never wanted kid and never wanted to drive anything but his motorcycle. Yet here he is on a Saturday afternoon, with a kid and Rick's Mini Van. It's annoying how he can never say no to his best friend- ever. He has no problem telling people off, but Rick is not one of them. He's his best friend- has been since high school- how do you say no to a friend who has always had your back?

"My mom and dad are getting a divorce."

"That's a statement- not a question." Daryl mumbles.

"You didn't let me finish. They're getting a divorce, so Mom's going with Shane and taking the baby. I'm staying with Dad. What about you?" Giving the kid a queer look, Daryl isn't sure what he's asking.

"What are you talking about Carl?"

"Well Mom's been sneaking around with Shane. And Dad's been sneaking around with you. So I was just curious as to what you would be now that Mom's out of the picture." Daryl stands up ans runs his hand through his hair.

"Carl, yer Dad and I don't sneak around. We're friends- we don't sneak."

"So you too are just together?" Carl asks confused.

"No! We're just friends. Like you and Luke." Daryl saus straight forward and slightly agitated.

"But I never kissed Luke."

Staring off at the Pond, Daryl sinks in his posture slightly.
It was two months ago after Lori walked out on Rick. He had been so mad and upset that he called Daryl over for a drink or two- maybe five. Sitting on the back deck that was never finished, Rick and Daryl drank and bitched about women and all the problems they cause.

It wasn't until Rick leaned in and kissed Daryl on the mouth that both of them realized what could arise from this simple action. Daryl claimed he was disinterested in that kind of action, but didn't hold back when he felt his own gusto of emotions take over and start making out with Rick. The thing about Daryl is, he never had an actual girlfriend- sure he's had successful sex with a handful of women, but he never felt so attached to them as he did his best friend. He loves women, but he also really loves Rick.

Neither of them banked on Carl seeing them share a brief intimate moment, but it surely did confuse the boy.


"What?" Daryl asks as he remains frozen beside the pond.

"Is the reason Mom left my Dad, is cause you two wanna be together?" Carl wonders as he licks his ice cream and tries to catch the dripping edges.

"That's enough questions today, Carl." His voice is monotone as he tries to tell himself that Carl is just a kid who doesn't know what Gay means. Daryl isn't gay- least he wouldn't say he is. He's manly, infeminate, and loves to have sex with women. It just so happens he also loves one man.

**Two Months Later**

Sitting in the living room watching the football game with Daryl, Rick tries to think about something other than how tight Daryl's motorcycle jeans are. With Lori gone, Rick is finding it harder and harder to become aroused by women. Every time he's ready to masterbate, he starts out thinking of hot women, but it always ends up coming back to Daryl- no other guy, just Daryl.

"Damn! Steelers are down by three and there's no way they're gonna gain any yardage in the last four minutes. Fuck." Daryl growls as he sips his beer back.

"Well... Ya know, Rothlisburger needs to tighten up. He throwing like shit today." Rick mumbles, but his eyes gaze down at Daryl's front. Jerking his eyes away from his friend's crotch, Rick clears his throat and tries to ignore his urge to see his friend's package.


"Shit, is my phone over there?" Rick asks as he checks his pockets.

"Yeah, here."

"Thanks... Hello?...What!! Which hospital?" Daryl intently watches his friend begin to panic. Rick stands up after ending the call and begins grabbing his boots.

"What's wrong?"

"Shane and Lori were on the way to the hospital to have the baby when a truck hit them. Shane's in critical condition and Lori is barely holding on. I gotta go man! Can you..."

"I'll watch Carl...just go." Daryl says, not pleases with his job.

He sits in the living room watching tv well into the night when Rick finally comez through the door, pale and red eyed. Sitting up, Daryl looks his friend over and realizes something terrible has happened.


"She's... She's... Dead. Shane is too..."

"The baby?" Daryl stands and catches his crying friend who is shrinking in on himself.

"Alive...she's... She's my Daryl...She's my baby..." Rick falls to his knees and Daryl goes with him. Hugging him closely, Daryl understands how painful this must be for him.

"It's's alright Rick. I'm here. I've got you..." Rick looks up into his friends eyes, his pleading Daryl for something to calm him. "What can I do for you?"

Leaning forward, Rick kisses Daryl on the lips and Daryl passionately kisses back.

It is the beginning of a new relationship.

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