Chapter 12:

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Standing in the kitchen, the mayham has begun. Carl is having a tantrum and Judith won't stop crying. Daryl doesn't know what to do. Does he go after Beth and suffer the consequences or does he call Rick and try to get him to come home early to help with the kids. He knows he can't leave them like this- but he wasn't made to take care of kids. He hates kids- which is what got him here in the first place. A knock on the door pulls his attention from the kids. Going to the door, Abraham Ford, Daryl's coworker, is standing on the porch with his girlfriend Rosita Espinosa.

"Cheese and crackers- what the hell is going on in here?" The gingered man asks and the young latina steps paszed Daryl and goes to the baby. Picking her up, Rosita sings in Spanish and soon bith children calm down. "Where's the nanny at? Thought this was her problem?"

"We had an issue and she kinda left. Thanks Rosita. Huh, what btings you over?" Daryl sighs and watches his friends make themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Just came to check on you. Guess it was a good thing."

"Yeah...guys, I can't do this. I can't take care of these kids until Rick gets back. And then explain to him what happened? I can't." Slouching into an arm chair, Daryl puts his head in his hands and tries to catch his breath. Today when from amazing to terrible in a matter of minutes. "Carl, can you take Judith upstairs and take your naps?"

Carl takes Judith from Rosita and sulks upstairs. Once the room is clear, shit hits the fan.

"What happened?"

"Abe...last night we had sex. Beth and I."

"I thought you batted for the other team?" Abe looks at Daryl curiously and Rosita just searches the room for evidence of the homosexual agenda- as if there really is one.

"Well...Rick and her had sex a few times before I knew and she and I had it twice. Anyway- last night we had this amazing sex and well the condom broke so this morning I got her the pill and she got upset and said she wasn't taking it and that if there was a baby- that she wants us to have it and I lost it. She just left. She quit. Now I have to explain to Rick and that will cause another fight. What do I do?" Rosita seems disgusted with Daryl and Abe does too almost.

"You didn't evem consider what she's feeling? You just assumed she would want to give it up?" Rosita bites and Daryl flinches. "You don't deserve a penis if you can't even assume responsibilty."

"Sita...Daryl, you need to make up with this girl. I'm not saying marry her or evem take care of the kid. I'm saying appologize and pay support. Fact is yer always gonna be eating shit. I just suggest ya don't nibble."

They end up leaving shortly and Daryl just stews in his place. How does he do this? It's gonna suck big time. Sitting in the dark, Daryl stays still and tries to figure out what to do.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" Looking up, Rick is standing in the hallway staring are Daryl curiously. "Where's Beth? It's only 7:30. Did the kids eat?"

"Rick...I have to tell you something." Dropping his bag in the hallway, Rick sits on the couch across from Daryl and looks at him, studying him.


"I know about you and Beth. I know you were planning on having sex this weekend with someone at the expo- if you even wemt there." Rick looks shocked and then guilty. "I get it. We're not gay. We both fell for a beautiful woman."

His eyes shoot up and he looks Daryl over, slightly jealous.

"I slept with her too. Twice, actually- once last night." Rick grips the edges of the couch and tries to hide his anger. "I stole your condoms from your bag because I was angry at you for sleeping with Beth. I felt betrayed...I wanted to get back at you, but then, I don't know...Anyway, Beth left because of me and my problems and issues. Which is why I'm leaving."

Shock pours over Rick's face. He was angry at his best friend, but now he feels terrible.

"I'm leaving so you can have Beth back- for whatever you need her for. I'm sorry." Standing up, Daryl grabs his duffle bag from behind the chair and goes towards the front door.

"You hurt her?"

"Indirectly." Rick furrows his eyebrows and Daryl just feels his chest compress, but not in a good way.

" safe out there. Next time, don't be the wolf." Rick says and Daryl cringes at that statement. Taking his bag, Daryl leaves Rick's house and gets in his truck and leaves.

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