Chapter 10:

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Beth made dinner that night and it was...well they didn't die is all that's important. True, she let Carl help, but ya know...

Cleaning up the dishes, Daryl can't stop thinking about Beth, which is bad. It's as if she wormed her way into his mind and has set up camp. He hates this. This solitude. This wall. This immobility to try and understand anything that has to do with that woman.

"I think that bowl is clean..." Turning around, he finds Beth leaning against the island staring at him with that damn soft smile of hers.


"You've been cleaning that bowl for the last twenty minutes." Looking down at the red bowl in his hands, he shakes his head- rinses the dish- and sets it in the drying rack. "Are you thinking about Rick?"

No, I'm thinking about you.

"...yeah. Sure." He grumbles and tries to push aside the thought of her.

"Who ever he's with.."

"I don't care any more. Our relationship is dead anyway." Daryl sighs as he grabs another dish and Beth comes up beside him- and starts cleaning a dish herself.

"Don't say that. Even if you bith aren't gay- you can still be friends. He is your best friend."

"I just feel betrade. Ya's stupid."

"I don't think it's stupid Daryl. I think you just want to have a pitty party." She frankly says and Daryl furrows his brows at her. "I'm just saying, yer Mr. Negative. You never try being positive. Maybe that's why Rick is cheating."

Trying to hold back his anger, he takes the sprayer and sprays her in the face. The look of her sopping wet isn't a good idea because now he can see her bra through her yellow polo.

"Seriously! What is wrong with you?" She angrily says and splashes soapy water on him. They keep splashing and the floor beneath them is slippery. With one step, they collide and land on the floor- Beth on top of Daryl. They start laughing and Daryl looks deep into her eyes like she had earlier. Leaning up, he gently pulls her face to his and kisses her. The kiss is kind of rough and normally this would make the woman cringe and feel threatened, but for some reason this turns her on. Pushing her fingers into his hair, she starts to grind against his front, which drives him insane. Getting up, he hoists her around his waiat and carries her upstairs to his room. He's thankful that the kids are in bed.

Getting into his room, he shuts the door and starts stripping her of her close and then his. Tossing her down to the bed, he climbs over top of her and sucks upon her skin. She tastes amazing in his mouth and he lusts for more. As he's about to enter her, she makes him stop.


"Under the pillow. Get one- quickly. I need you." He keeps kissing her neck and chest as she grabs a condom, tears it open and pushes it onto his thick throbbing cock. "God, that's tight."

"Too small?" Beth huffs and Daryl groans. He's forgotten how much small Rick is than him.

"Fuck it- it's fine." Pushing in her, he pounds away and they start to build their orgasms. She feels great around him amd he can't remember any other woman making him feel this tightness in his chest. As he keeps pushing in and out of her, she kisses his chest and her nails dig into his shoulder blades slightly. He loves the pain. It fuels him.

He quickens the pace and keeps panting in her neck. Soon she keeps whispers in his ear.


That gets him. He goes faster than he ever had and soon they both spiral out of control.

" does it feel like you came inside me?" Beth asks shyly. Daryl can barely catch his breath, he can't feel anything- his dick is numb and tingley. "Pull out."

Pulling his cock out of her, the condom is gone and cum drips out of her sex.

"Fuck...." Running his hands through his hair, he sighs and then inserts his finger inside her. "There it is."

Pulling it out, his finger is through the condom and cum is dripping out of it.

"You not only put a hole in the top from yer head, but you lost it....great. What are we gonna do?"

"Push it out. The cum. Push it out and to make sure, we'll get you the morning after pill." Laying back, she strains her pelvis and pushes the cum out of her sex and Daryl inserts his finger and sort of "digs" the cum out. "I think that's all of it."



"...I like when you're nice and not trying."

"What does that even mean?" He lays beside her on his side and looks at her play with his hand, which makes him feel awkward.

"I mean, like this. You don't seem angry all the time or rough. Yer sweet and caring...I like that about you."

That ain't me sweetheart. I ain't no prince charming. ...

"I ain't nobody's bitch."  He growls and instead of shying away or feeling scared, Beth leans into his body and pecks his lips.

"You don't have to be."

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