Chapter 7:

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He's cautious. Aware. Daryl tiptoes around the house so to avoid Beth. Obviously she is more pissed about Daryl doing his thing than he expected. In his mind, she should actually be flattered because a gay guy can get off to her....what is he thinking- that's not a compliment.

As he makes his way downstairs to hide out, a small voice comes from behind the basement door. He stills and listens closely.

"I don't know....yeah it was....well I don't know what to think....all I know is that I can't get the image out of my head....all of it....yeah, and he saw all of me....I don't know Maggie...No!....maybe...well I gotta you too."

She's confused about something. I wonder what? It obviously has to be about me.

Sitting on the couch, Daryl cleans his crossbow when Rick comes down. He sits on the edge of the couch and watches Daryl intently. It bugs Daryl. Is she going to tell him? Or should he just come out with it?

"How was your day?"

"Fine. Yers?" Just keep quiet , Dixon.

"Good. So Beth..."

"What about her?"

"She was wondering if you could teach her how to hunt with that. She's been wanting to learn and she figures since yer days are easier to work with that you would be the ideal teach her how to shoot twice before you get caught. Whatever that is." Looking at the wall, Daryl knows exactly what she meant by that. "I really think you should do this. You've come so far. I would love to see you two working together and being friends- there are a lot of benefits coming from it."

That whole thing could have been taken dirty.

"Fine. We can start tomorrow."

"Good! I'll go tell her, unless you'd like to come with."

"No. You can tell her." He huffs and Rick kisses his head and then leaves.


Getting up early the next day, Daryl grabs his hunting things and knocks on Beth's door. Rick specifically dropped kids off at his mother's so Daryl and Beth could have the whole day without interruption or worry. Beth opens up the door and is in jeans, a camo hat, and a camo long sleeve shirt. He's taken by how amzing she looks, even in camo. Catching himself, he rolls his eyes and groans.

"Ya ready?"

"Yeah- is this fine?" She asks ash she comes out and he notices her cowgirl boots.

"Why the boots? Yer feet are gonna kill ya."

"No- I once walked eight miles in these."

"Dork." He rolls his eyes and starts down the stairs and grabs the cooler on his way out to the truck. As he drives them to his hunting spot, Daryl tries to focus on the road and hunting instead of how sexy the girl in his passanger seat was. Not only can she cook and take care of a baby- she looks damnably amazing in camo and wants to hunt. Shaking his head, he refocuses on the road and continues driving in awkward silence. When they finally arrive at the hunting path, Daryl parks the truck and hops out grabbing his bow with him. Beth follows him and they head down the path until he spots a good deer trail off to the right. They continue to walk and he can only hear her crunching twigs underneath her feet. Turning around, he stops and she rujs right into his hard chest- not having realized that he stopped and was so close.


"You sound like big foot. If yer gonna try to hunt anything- you need to walk quietly. Got it." He growls and furrows his brows. Turning back around they walk and now it's quiet. When they get to a ridge, a nice rock perch over looking the lower woods, Daryl stops and gets down. Beth, who is beyond confused, gets down on her belly also and tries to see what he sees. Using his scope, he sees a doe about fifteen yards down wind.

"What is it?" She wispers and he hands her the scope.

"Doe- 15 yds out." He says and can feel his gears shifting into hunter mode.

"Aw, she's cute." Beth says and Daryl glowers at her. "What?"

"Yer gonna be shooting her. Don't get hung up on appearance when you're focusing on a task." He says and she smirks.

"Apparently yer the expert with that." She snidely says and he huffs it off.

"You wanted to learn how to hunt. If you don't want to kill anything, why'd you come?"

"Why did you?" She demands and Daryl knows that she's not talking about hunting.

"If you take down that deer- I'll answer any question you have. If not- you have to forget all about what happened yesterday and never bring it up again."

"Deal." Taking the bow, which Daryl already prepared, she looks down the scope and feels her finger near the trigger. Turning off the safety- she takes a deeo breath and focuses. Taking another deep breath, she re-adjust and Daryl giggles to himself. Firing with a clean breath, Beth feels the kick back in her shoulder and Daryl keeps giggling until she hands him the scope and he finds the doe down- arrow clean through the eye. Gaping and internally yelling, Daryl looks at Beth and can feel her pride grow wider.

"You hustled me." God, that was so hot!!!

"I never said I didn't know how to shoot- I just never went hunting with a crossbow. I shoot guns all the time." She sneers and his eyes go wide. Leaning over, she pushes him onto his back and sits astride him. Leaning down, he kisses him and then looks deep into his blue eyes.

"Fuck." He lets out an exasperated breath and pulls her down to kiss him again.


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