Chapter 29:

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Sitting in the examine room, Beth lays haplessly across the table and tries to close her eyes for a few minutes. Sleep deprived and depressed, she wonders if she's run her course in life. On the women's of Earth checklist- she already crossed out: have sex, reproduce, and have a job. So she's pretty much spent.

"Knock knock. Haha, I'm Dr. Aaron Crates. How can I help you ladies today?" A medium sized man with a petite build and brown- clean cut- hair stands in front of Beth and Maggie with an exasperating grin on his face. Aaron had been up for days, worrying about his partner Eric, who was off on another field exposition as an archeologist. So being just as tired as either of the women, he tries to come across as enthusiastic. "What seems to be... Oh, honey, you look exhausted."

He becomes sorry for Beth. The small women seems to be the same color as the paper that covers the table and her eyes are full and listless, riddled with thick black bags under her eyes and cracked- chapped lips. Upon first sight he would have said that the coroner should be involved, but taking a closer look, he can deduce that she has been starving herself. Going up to her, he takes his stethoscope and listens to her heart and lungs, both of which seem to be working twice as hard because of her state.

"How many days have you been fasting?" With no answer, Aaron looks to Maggie.

"We've been on vacation for almost two weeks now. I give her food and she eats it...I just am worried. She hasn't been her self for a good month now."

"When did this start?"

"Right after she gave birth to her twin boys." Jotting some notes down, Aaron looks at computer and then takes his pocket flash light and looks in Beth's eyes. They dilate as normal but they seem dead to him.

"Well, from what you told me and from my observations, I can deduce that you are suffering from Postpartum Depression. Has she been throwing up lately?"

"Today she did. I don't know how much she has been, but I'm not always around."

"Well what I think is happening is she is experience anorexia. Her depression makes her body reject or want to reject all nutrients and sustenance. Is she close to her children?"

"No. She's said on many occasions that she doesn't want them or love them. This is her second time pregnant, but first labor. An accident during her previous pregnancy cause her to loose the child. If that would lend any help or insight to the problem."

"It does. See, from loosing the first child, she probably still has repressed feelings about it. Pregnancy is a big change in your body and mind. For Beth, I recommend therapy and antidepressants. If you'd rather go natural- there's a drug Clorazine Matproxen that is basic herbal remedies that can help suggestion is keep her away from the babies for a while- until she because stable and sound with everything. It won't be easy, but with a good support system she should come back to us." Aaron stands up and looks at Beth, a neutral smile on his lips and clear eyes. He prays she gets better. Some cases he can't do any more than pray for them.


Feeding Jaxon for the third time this morning, Daryl feels a chill run down his bare spine as he sways back and forth in the kitchen. He got a little bit better sleep than many of the other nights, but he still seems drained.

"Morning Sweetie..." Glenn says sarcastically as he walks by Daryl and pecks his cheek with a kiss- just to smite him. "Haha just kidding. What's up man?"

"Oh ya know, just being a father figure." He grumbles as he sets Jaxon in the bassinet and grabs a new bottle and Wyatt. He's been switching all night between kids with little help from Glenn.

"I don't know about you, but I slept like an angel."

"Shut up." Daryl growls and continues to feed Wyatt.

"Hey, just preparing you for fatherhood."

"Yer the one who should be practicing. Mr. Wanna Adopt."

"I do wanna adopt!" They start bickering like an old married couple and after a few minutes, they hear a throat clear from behind them. Turning around, Rick and Michone are standing in the kitchen doorway with Judith and Carl and Andre- all giggling slightly at the sight of the two men.

"We can come back after you two make up." Rick jokes and Daryl rolls his eyes before gently laying the baby back in the bassinet. "How's it going?"

"This one doesn't help out." Daryl points his finger at Glenn who rolls his eyes and grabs a cup of coffee.

"Maybe if you'd accept my help, but no! You have to do it all yerself cause you know so much, thanks to my class." Glenn retorts and Daryl makes a choking motion behind Glenn's back.

"Well...any way... We came to see if y'all needed help. Maybe a night off?" Michone sweetly says and Daryl's eyes go wide.

"Yes! Oh please! Please take them! I need my sleep!" He's on his knees in front of her, holding and kissing her free hand as the baby is on hero their hip.

"Haha alright. Yeah we can take them." Glenn looks at his phone as Rick continues to talk and soon, Glenn is interrupting.

"Guys...Beth is coming home soon. Maggie said they took her to the doctors and she has Postpartum depression, was put on organic pills for it, recommended a therapist and..." He stops talking and just looks at them sadly.

"What?" Rick says?

"What?" Daryl goes to Glenn and reads the text. "Beth has to be away from the babies for at least two months until she's No. They need their mother!"

"Daryl, listen Bro, if the doctor says she needs time she needs time." Rick says as he places a hand on his friend's shoulder.

He's upset, but he knows it's for the best- at least- he hopes so.

Whatever Happened To Normal?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora