Chapter 28:

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In his mind, Daryl keeps asking himself why he agreed to this. Was it to be a better father or to impress Beth? Either reason lead him to this new hell that Glenn is just so giddy about.

"Okay Daddies! Today we are learning how you and baby are alike. To understand your bundle of joy, you must look deep within yerself and say- I am my baby and my baby is me. Let's pass around the Rattle of Honest and share how being our baby makes us feel." Tara, a young enthusiastic lesbian happily says as her partner Denise smiles and coos over the gay guys who coddle their children. Glenn's bright idea was to pose as a gay couple and go to Baby Class. Daryl wants to kill himself.

"Oh dear Lord..." Daryl growls and flowers at Glenn who has Wyatt in his arms.

"Did you wanna go first Daddy Daryl?" Tara says trying not to seem angry at the comment that was just loud enough for her to hear. Walking over to him, she hands him a baby rattle and claps her hands together. "Okay, how does being your baby feel?"

"Seriously? If I were a baby, all I would feel is hungry, gassy and tired." Daryl grumbles. The women become offended and Tara shakes her head frustratedly.

"Mr. Dixon. You and yer partner came here because you adopted two beautiful baby boys and are in need of understanding how to be a father." Denise says and Daryl rolls his eyes.

"Honestly, do you think knowing how my baby feels makes any difference in parenting? I mean- am I the only one who finds this ridiculous? Being a dad isn't about being the kid- it's about being there for the kid. Kids don't want you to think like them. They want support, and love and direction. This hippy dippy shit isn't parenting." Everyone in the room is quiet and Glenn becomes embarrassed by Daryl's outburst. It isn't until Tara and Denise start clapping that Daryl becomes confused.

"Mr. Dixon, you are exactly right. Babies need support and care. They need direction in their life. That's what this class is all about. Learning how to be a father who cares and supports their child. Thank you." Tara takes the rattle back and hands out a pamphlet to everyone. "In this pamphlet are just some of the ways, babies need to be supported in. For starters, you'll need to look at the section of handling with care. Some babies have special ways they like to be held. When they start crying, if there's no indication of a soiled diaper, try holding yer baby differently. If all else fails they are merely hungry. So try different ways your baby is comfortable. Secondly, read the section about comfort toys. Some babies find that they are most happiest with a binky or a soft cozy toy like these Tsum Tsums by Disney. They are small enough to cuddle but not too small that they can choke on them. Not to mention they come in some of the most adorable Disney characters ever. Comfort toys may just safe yerself a headache while shopping. Next, if yer baby is used to breastfeeding and you find feeding time is a pain in the ass for you fathers, try skin to skin contact. Laying the child against yer warm chest can make feeding time easier. And it's a nice way to connect with your baby."


Laying her hotel room's bathtub, Beth just stares at the wall in front of her. The dark bathroom is only illuminated by a few fake tea light candles. Her body aches and mentally she is drained. All she wants to do is sleep, but sleeping leads her to having nightmares. She can't even remember what they are about, but they scare her terrible and she dreads even closing her eyes. She hasn't slept in about a week. She's out of it. Her mind is literally blank. She doesn't even know how long she's been in this tub. Could be ten minutes, could be ten hours- who knows.

"Beth..." Maggie knocks on the door before opening it. "Beth, you've been in there for almost three hours."

Sticking her hand in the water, Maggie almost shivers from how cold it is.

"Beth, yer gonna get sick in that cold of water. Come on. Give me a hand." Turning on the light, Maggie goes back to the tub and grabs both of Beth's arms and helps her stand up. Getting her out of the tub and onto the bath mat, Maggie drains the tub and wraps a towel around Beth. "'re looking pale. Are you okay?"

Without a second thought, Beth bends over the toilet and throws up a huge amount of foamy bile.

"I think maybe we should take you to Dr. Crates. Hmm, you need to get better honey." Maggie rubs her back and holds her hair back. "Come on. Let's go get you dressed and something to eat and then we can check out and go to Dr. Crates office."

Beth says nothing, but stares off into the distance. Maggie can physically seeing her loosing her mind. She feels terrible for Beth.


Glenn fell asleep on the couch after their busy morning at Baby Class. When Jaxon starts crying, Daryl almost starts to panic, but remembers to stay calm for the baby. Holding the babe against his bare chest, the child seems to calm himself as he watches Daryl take him to the kitchen for his bottle. The mode women were right about the breast feeding thing. He celebrates his little win by swaying back and forth- remembering that a swaying motion calms the baby even more.

"Maybe I can do this. I know I haven't been the nicest guy to you and yer brother...but darned if I don't wanna start over and be the best dad I can be if yer mom will have me." He becomes sad at the thought of Beth. "Whatever happens, Jax, you and Wyatt will always have me."

He kisses the child's head and the baby boy makes a small yip of happiness.

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