Chapter 17:

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He told Rick everything after he left Beth to sleep- which she did very little of. His anger coursed through him, telling his friend about all that happened. It bothered him that Rick let her go out alone after dark in search of a guy who could take care of himself. He told Rick that it bothered him that he didn't call her after hours of her being missing. And finally he told Daryl how Beth didn't want to go back to Rick's place and instead wanted to be with Daryl himself to feel better. Rick took everything in and felt terrible, but at the same time in those hours of being alone with Michone, realized that she was the one for him and Beth was more of a good friend than lover. That, now that really bothered Daryl.

He didn't sleep last night. He stayed up and sat outside Beth's door because he couldn't stand the thought of being away from her. Daryl sat and sat and sat and not once dozed off because he didn't want to be asleep if she needed him. So when he hears her stir this morning, he is up on his feet and ready to tackle any emotion she throws at him.

"... Oh... No...." He hears her soft voice break and then the tears. Going in to her, he notices her tense up and throw the blankets over her lap, as she tries to hide her hand. "Daryl...can you go?"

"What's wrong?" He comes closer and she breaks again.

"I'm...bleeding..." She says and embarrassedly looks away.

"Let me help." Going to the bed, he pulls back the blanket and finds the white sheet and his pj bottoms covered in blood and her hand stained. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up."

He carefully scoops her up like a baby and carries her to the bathroom. Standing her up, he starts a warm bath and begins to strip her. The blood is everywhere and it makes him uneasy, but he forges forward and gets her in the bath. Taking it further, he grabs a wash cloth, soaps it up and gently rubs her dow. And cleans her. When she's all cleaned, he drains the bath amd wraps his bath robe he never weara around her. The balck fleece robe is warm against her skin and she feels slightly better than before. He leabes her momentarily and disposes of the sheet and blanket and is thankful that the mattress itself was covered in a thick plastic sheath. Bring her in some of his clothes, sweatpants and a hoodie, he helps her get dressed and leads her to the living room.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asks trying to hide his tiredness.

"I'm not hungry..."

"You need to eat. Now what do you want?"

"Eggs and toast, please." She weakly smiles and he returns the gesture and prepares her food. They sit in silence and she observes him. He's so relaxed and gentle- which is probably just because of last night- but he's being nurturing which she's taken by. Even the morning he came home and was goofing around with the kids and her, he was nurturing. So how is it that he can't love and can't want a family or even just her?

"Did you sleep ok last night?" He turns and looks at her as he scrambles her eggs.

"It was"

"Um...Well...I couldn't so. I didn't." He tells her honestly and she sighs and hunches over herself, stooping in disappointment.

"You should go lie down."

"I'm good. Honestly." He hands her a plate of eggs amd then gives himself some. Grabbing the popped up toast, he hands her two pieces and passes her some butter and grape jelly.

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

"I was, hcccch, just worried about you is all." He clears his throat and eats some eggs, before grabbing the readied coffee pot and pouring some into her cup and his. Taking creamer, he mixes it in his cup, takes a sip and then catches her glossy eyes on his. She looks so beautiful, yet broken like a china doll. "What?"

"Why are ya being so nice to me? Even if it is cause of what happened- I don't want a pitty party." Slamming his silerware down on the table, she jumps from the noise and watches as he stands up and goes around to her side of the table. She's nervous and even frightened as to what he might do that she tense up. He grabs her by her shoulders, not hard, but forceful enough to get her attention.

"I ain't being nice. I care about you. What happened was terrible, but yer not the only one who's hurt by it. I know I ain't a nice guy, even a good guy, but damned if I don't want to try my hardest to make you happy and see you smile again- cause the last thing I want in this world is to lose you in any way, shape, or form! That includes that damn smile of yers." They gaze into each others eyes and her chest goes warm and his twists inside him like it had a long time ago.

"Daryl..." That's all she can say before he smashes his face into hers and kisses her passionately rough. His hand slides around her waist and her hands are in his hair. Kissing her neck and jaw, she tilts her head to the side and takes in all emotions. When they separate, he gives her light little kisses on her lips causing her stomach to twist and turn with in her. "Don't fuck with me..."

"Never." He says before kissing her again.

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