Chapter 5:

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He tries to call Rick, but the bastard won't pick up. He leaves voicemail after voicemail and still nothing. Tossing his phone into the arm chair across the room, Daryl lays back and tries to calm down. Why would he say he doesn't want to be gay? It's not a choice- people are preprogramed before they come out of the womb. He's not gay- bisexual- but not full on gay. He's sure that Rick isn't gay either. Especially when it's a quiet night and they both beat off to a lesbian porno. They love women- but they love each other too. They have yet to actually have sex and that's mostly because it makes Daryl feel uncomfortable thinking about it. He breaks out in rashes and hives at the thought of Rick or any guy entering him.

"Hey..." He opens his eyes to Beth standing in front of him woth Judith in her arms.


"Can you tell me if Judith feels a little warm to you? I can't really tell." She sits down next to Daryl and hands him the baby. Looking at him, he looks rough amd tough, but with the baby in his arms- he seems like a whole other Daryl.

"Hey asskicker... You hot? Huh? Let me see, sweetheart." His baby talk makes Beth internally swoon as she watches him give the baby kisses amd check her temperature. This side of Daryl is unreal almost. He's not even this nice to Rick. "Ooo, baby's a lil warm. Oh poot baby girl. You want some milk and some baby asprin? Yes? Yes you do."

"You're so sweet with her." Beth shyly says as her hands fold over her lap.

"Hmph..." He grumbles and hands her the baby back. Getting up, he goes to the kitchen for the milk and medicine and comes back. Sitting on the coffee table in front of Beth, he holds to bottle up to Judith and she drinks and before she closes her mouth to swallow the milk, Daryl pops in the baby asprin and she swallows it all down. "There we go sweetie! You shpuld start feeling better soon."

He kisses her head and stands up to leave. Beth watches him and smiles as he leaves the room.

Later that night:

Coming through the front door, Rick sets his keys down and kicks his boots off. The house is quiet and his mind goes blank as to where the kids are.

"Beth? Carl?"

"I sent them out to dinner at Chuck E' Cheese." Daryl says from the stairs. Looking up at Daryl, Rick finds him in just his jeans and an oiled chest. Coming down the stairs, Daryl swallows hard before appologizing. "This morning, I messed up. I never meant that I don't love you and with everything going on...I want to show you how much I care about you."

"What...what do you mean?" Rick says and Daryl bravely gets down on his knees and undoes Rick's pants. His breath catches in his throat, as he pulls Rick's member from his pants and strokes it bravely. He feels so embaressed and awkward, but he continues to stroke his friend and then he finally makes a big move and puts him in his mouth. Rick moans at the feel of Daryl's mouth around his dick. Never in a million years did he ever think this would happen. He does long strokes into his mouth and Daryl becomes more hungry for it- his own erection twitching in his tightened jeans. He keeps going and Rick has to hold onto his shoulders so he doesn't topple over from his orgasmic build. "Awwggh Fuck! Mnnnhhh Daryl!"

He gives no warning as he explodes into Daryl's mouth- Daryl is freaked out by it, but swallows anyway. Pulling him out if his mouth, Daryl stands up and takes Rick upstairs. He's rough in taking his friend's clothes off. When he gets them off- Daryl makes the first move by bending Rick over the bed and putting a condom on his dick. Putting his finger in his mouth to wet it, Daryl circles Rick's anus and then slowly pushes his finger in. Rick groans in half pleasure, half pain. When he seema okay with one finger, Daryl pushes another finged into Rick's ass as he strokes his member getting him harder and harder. With lust in his body, Daryl pushes into Rick- who lets out a mighty scream. Daryl is too focused to stop his raid. He pushes deeper into Rick and his friend, with his ass in the air and member hanging above the bed- moans and grunts as Daryl's long thick rod rams into him over and iver again. As they continue this, Daryl leans over top of Rick like a horny dog and holds him around his waist as he thrusts harder i to him. His hips and pelvic bone smash unto Rick's backside so hard- small bruises have formed on both of them. Finally in one big ultimate thrust- Daryl finds his release and cums hard into the condom. Reaching around, he yanks on Rick's dick and soon he cums onto the bed. Pulling out of Rick, Daryl tumbles to the bed beside him and takes deep heaving breaths. Never has he done anal before. He's not quite sure how he feels about it- and neither is Rick.

"So..." Daryl huffs.

"So what?"

"Was it what you expected?" Daryl states and Rick kind of goes wide eyed.



"No...I kind of expected it to feel kind of just felt like a never ending shit- a big shit." Looking at the ceiling, both feel disappointed. They expected it to be magical and amazing- and here it was a waste of time.

"Would you feel differently about it, if you were on top?"

"I don't think so. And I know you wouldn't like it much either." Rick says a lil disappointed.

"So now what?"

"We can stick to blowing and jerking each other....but I don't think we should do that- ever again." Rick says and holds Daryl's hand. He's proud of Daryl for making the effort, but he rather not do that ever again. "Thank you for trying this for me."

"Gotta try anything once." Daryl mumbles and Rick kisses his lips and they go to get dressed.

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