Chapter 8 Well Fi. Ya See, It Is. and You Are Not!!

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I can't believe I forgot to tell you that when Marshall and Ashley went to the Candy Kingdom it was night, Fi woke up at night, and all of this is during night. Sorry!!

Ashley's P.O.V.

I didn't like being dragged out of the kingdom like a child misbehaving in a store but I got to my feet and started after her so maybe I could get my arm back but she still wouldn't let go, until we got out of the kingdom. She let go and I asked her questions.

"Why where you dragging me?" I asked rubbing my right arm.

"I wanted to make sure you would follow and the only way to do that for me is dragging you out here. C'mon. Let's walk. I need to talk to you about something."

We started walking home when Marshall came flying toward us at mock speed. He was frantic and he didn't have Cake. Fionna prepared for the worst and hoped for the best, I could tell. The look was on her face.

"I'm sorry Fi. I looked everywhere." Marshall was looking down sadly. "I didn't want to go to this extent but, let's go to the nightosphere..... My mom lives there. She might know what's happened."

"OK. Meet your mother. Oh glob. I'm kinda scared. If what you told me was true than, she sounds creepy. OK let's go." Fionna looked fearless but I guess nobody's really fearless.

Fionna's P.O.V.

"OK. Meet your mother. Oh glob. I'm kinda scared. If what you told me was true than, she sounds creepy. OK let's go." I felt really scared. Glob meeting his parent's. Everyone I knew as a friend didn't have parents. Not even Cake. I miss mom and dad.....

"Marshall to Fionna. Fi? We need to go." Marshall was waving his pale hand in front of my probably blank face.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. So how do we get to your mom?"

"Well first we go to my house. Let's go." Marshall picked me up and we flew towards his house.

"Um. Marsh. Where's Ashley?" I didn't see her behind us.

"Oh she didn't tell you? Well she can explain as soon as we meet her at my house."

"Are you two friends Marshall? You and Ashley I mean."

"Well we worked out our differences."


We got to his place and I saw Ashley, already there when she didn't even pass us let alone leave before us.

"Um. How-" But I was cut off by her saying, "I'm a witch." All I could say was oh. I mean she hadn't shown signs of being evil so I just took it in and let it go. Marshall set me down and we went into his house he did some sort of chant like 'HATCHKA- BUUTAKCHA- WAKCACHO' , made a portal and we went through. I have NO idea what it meant or what he even said but best not to question it.

"Whoa. It looks like hell in here." I said looking around at all the beasts.

"Well Fi. Ya see, it is." Marshall said being very informative, sarcastic and enthusiastic. All at once.

"Oh. that's makes a LOT of sense." I felt SO stupid.

"Moving on." Marshall said sighing and shaking his head. Probably thinking I'm the stupidest person he's met.

"OK, so how do we find your mom?"

"Oh don't worry she's coming. Whenever Marshall comes to the nightosphere she knows. Creepy right?" Ashley said very cheerfully while pointing at a giant black cloud that was headed straight for us.

~~Timey Skippsy's!!~~  lol (A/N p.s. this is also part 2ish of Chapter 8. That's why it has the and in between two titles.

Fionna's P.O.V. still

"OK. We are here." Marshall's mother sounded normal. Not evil. What was Marshall talking about?

"OK, um. Ashley can you take Fionna on a nice little tour of the mountain please? I need to talk to my son for a moment."

"Sure Mrs. Abadeer. Come on FI." She said happily and forcefully. We walked out of the room as Marshall and his mother started to talk.

Marshall's P.O.V.

"Marshall why did you bring her here?!" My mom whisper yelled. "You're the vampire king! You shouldn't bring human's here!"

"Shut up mom! We need your help. And you WILL help." I slapped her across her ugly face.

"OK son. Whatever you want. What do you need help with?" She said straightening up.

"Well Fionna's friend, a cat, her name is Cake, and she's missing. We- I mean I thought you might have heard something, or seen something, or might have known something about it."

"Well I don't but I'll help you out. Just to find out what this "Fionna'' is really like." 'Notice the quotations everybody!' I thought to myself.

"Mom her name IS Fionna. OK? So just help me out."

"OK fine. I'll find out what I can. Let's just wait till they get back." She said as she crossed her arms.

Fionna's P.O.V.

We where teleporting to every room instead of walking since Ashley's a witch. I was still getting used to that.

"Ashley?" I interrupted her explaining stuff as we teleported to the garden full of red roses with a LOT of thorns and I mean like thorns even on the petals.


"Are you a good witch?"


"...." I couldn't think of anything to say. I was standing in the middle of a thorn garden with a witch with glob knows what powers. I knew I looked pretty scarred and hesitant as I looked around the area.

She started laughing HYSTERICALLY. I mean HYSTERICALLY.  I looked at her in sheer horror. She looked like the most evil thing ever. How could I not see she was evil?! This whole time I trusted her. Oh my glob!! OH MY GLOB!!! I'm going to die. I'M GOING TO DIE!! How could I and Marshall not have seen it?! Well Marshall did.. Wait. She's lying!! She's not evil!!

"Your not evil." I said angrily.

"No, but OH MY GLOB! You should've seen the look on your face!!!" She said laughing and barely breathing at the same time.

She teleported us back to where Marshall and his mom where and they just looked at us completely confused.

"Um. Are we looking for your friend or not?" Asked Marshall's mom shaking away the scene before her.

"Yeah." I said standing up straight and talking normally. I could deal with Ashley later. But I have to admit. It WAS pretty funny.


OK so I decided to post this long or whatever you want to call it chapter.  Tell me what you think and please tell me if I should just stop writing or if it's good so far and to continue. OH and I will always appreciate it if you guys could please point out where and if I'm missing a period or something like that. Thx.

Marshall - "I think you should continue."

Me- "Nobody asked you!! Now shoo bat, SHOO!!"

Marshall- "Well Fine. I know when I'm not wanted."

Fionna- "Aww you just made him mad. Thank you!" (No sarcasm.)

Annnnyway thanks for reading.

Love you all.

See ya later.


Love Till The End {Fiolee}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora