After Thought: Explanation of Richard

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Hi fellow Wattpaders! I'm assuming that if you are reading this it's because you read this book. Well as the title expresses this is an after-thought chapter, a filler if you wish. This explains the whole thing between Fionna and Richard. I didn't think I could put the whole thing in a flashback so I decided that it's best that I tell you directly. So let's jump into it.

As you could observe Richard is a magic wielder. A fancy term for warlock. Him and Fionna never dated even though the book hints to it. No they never dated. He was more of a brother figure to her due to the fact that he looks human. But alas he's a magic wielder. But she always pictured him as a brother. She enjoyed having a "brother". She thought the world of him but he turned around and betrayed her. He told her lies and terrible things, he even took a hand to her, or wand or whatever. Point is; he hurt her and she hated him for that. But her hatred was brief as she began to think it was her fault. So she tried desperately to forgive him and realized it wasn't her fault, she realized it was his. But he just kept digging his own grave with lies and terrible things when she eventually gave up on him and turned her back. She left him in the dust and forgot about him. She had found yet another person in the world to hate.

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