Chapter 14 Cake Before The Coma & The Plan

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Dedicated to @FI0NNA_THE_HUMAN because she apparently likes it when people update in bulk. Weird, maybe    :)


Cake's P.O.V. B*tches!! *Before Fionna is out of the coma*

I walked out of the tree-house on my way to see Fionna when Flame popped up next to me.

"What do you want?" I said sassily.

"I was just wanting to know where Fionna is."

"News flash fire-ball she's in a coma. And I'm going to see her to tell her something important, I'm hoping she'll hear." I kept walking but he kept following.

"I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope she wakes up soon. What do you want to tell her?"

"Sure you do. That's none of your business psycho."

"Well. That message will have to wait." He smiled a devilish smile.

"No it won-" Then I blacked out. Next thing I knew I was in his room, tied in fire ropes. I tried to break them but couldn't. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME YOU PSYCHO??!!!" I yelled seeing he was in the room with me.

"Oh I don't want anything from you. I want something from Fionna. She will be mine. She will. And while I'm taking her you'll be in a coma. Engulfed in flames. Don't worry kitty. It won't hurt. Just last a while." He laughed a very weird evil laugh.

"Don't touch Fionna!!! I'll kill you!!" I was more angry then he could ever be. I then told him something I shouldn't have. (A/N: OK so I left out a few important sentences. Big deal! Wait till the end of the chapter to find out what the sentences have to do with.)

"Don't worry. She won't be hurt. Oh and dear you're kinda like frozen. You don't age, time doesn't pass for you in the coma. Sorry. I have to do this for Fionna."

"Flame if you want Fionna you can't force her. It just makes her hostile. She might accidentally hurt you or kill you. Can't you just cry about it and be done with it? Like every normal person does?" I said complaining more than ever.

"No. I have to have Fionna."

"No you don't. She doesn't like you anymore. Deal with it. And I think she might be seeing another guy. The night before the coma she went for a walk. She came back late. She was happy and mystified. The next night she went out again. And got knocked out into a coma. Flame. She might have feelings for the guy who accidentally knocked her out. Just be done with it." I said like a mother who would be comforting a child after they had broken their favorite toy.


"Flame." I said and closed my eyes. "Leave Fionna alone. And how long will this last?"

"A year in a coma for you. Hopefully Fionna wakes up before then so I can take her." He was angry with me and Fionna. I could tell.

"OK. Wake me up two months after she wakes up. Please Flame."

"Alright. I'll be a nice guy. For now. I might change my mind about the two months. We'll see." Then I was out.

Flame's P.O.V. *After dropping off Cake*

As I was walking home it hit me. Cake. She needs to be woken up. Why did I do this in the first place? Fionna was right. I should've just cried about it. I had a potion to wake Cake up.

"Tomorrow Flame. Get Fionna out of the house and go in, wake her up, and then after a long day she will go home, see Cake, and I'll be long gone. But I need help." I kept walking. "From Gumball. He needs to be kidnapped by Ice Queen. Then while Fionna is there Cake is woken up. I explain everything that has happened and then Fionna comes home. I'll have to be long gone by then. I need help from one last person. Marshall."

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