Ch. 43 The Pokemon Paradox Part 2

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Ch. 3 The Pokemon Paradox Part 2

"Doc, what the HELL is going on?"

"This isn't an issue, this is actually to be expected."

"Do you want me to calm down after that statement? Nelly is a TODDLER, damn it!!"

I apologize for those of you who thought I was like an excellent role model. But you should have noticed I do not make the best decisions.

"And what do you mean it's not an issue!? This qualifies as a big fat issue in my book!"

"Sorry, what I meant was it's logical that it happened, but it is a serious issue."

"Wait, Doc, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Todd, I'm just...I'm sorry."

" don't seem okay."

My vision finally clear, I looked at her. She looked strange. Younger, and her face looked a little scared.

"Whoa. What just happened?" I asked her.

"Well, with the time stream falling out of balance it's beginning to cause things to topple over figuratively. Our world is beginning to be affected by time reversal. It's slowly reverse aging our timeline, making things younger or what they used to be. If it continues, our world could turn to dust."

I stood up and looked around me. Sure enough, everyone looked younger. Harper and Taylor appeared about 10, Joey probably slightly older than Nelly. Adrian was more my age, and he did not look happy about it. However, looking at Jeremy, he seemed exactly the same.

"What about Jeremy?"

Doc looked at him. "I'm not sure. Possibly his body is unchanged because of his not being from our universe, or perhaps his exposure to temporal energy when coming to our world makes him invulnerable to it."

Harper looked at him and blushed slightly. He smiled softly at her. I noted to investigate it later.

"Well, this sounds bad. So...what are we gonna do to STOP IT?"

Celebi spoke up. "I have an idea. I'll need to explain on the way."

"Where are we going?" Adrian asked in his slightly cuter voice.

"To where this all started. My cave."


"So what are we doing?"

"We'll need to send you into the alternate timeline. The source of the disturbance is there, since you created the anomaly there. Oh, and you'll want to take Jeremy."


"You'll need to take him back to his own timeline. Not to mention his invulnerability to the time disruption will make him a valuable ally."

"Right." I nodded. We were getting close to the cave when I decided to talk to Harper. It felt weird talking to a ten or eleven year old who 15 minutes ago had been a fifteen year old.

"Hey, Harper, I've been meaning to talk to you about things."

"Like what?" She replied, her childish voice making it obvious she was annoyed by the question.

"Well, you've been...distant lately. You haven't been operating at full capacity on missions, either." She sighed. "Is something wrong?"

"...Yes." She finally replied. "I am frustrated, angry, and multiple other things. And it's because of you."


"When we first met each other, and when we had our first pokemon attack, you...something about you felt incredible to me. I couldn't understand it for a long time. And then, suddenly, I did."

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