Ch. 66 A Curse and a Gift Part 6

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Ch. 66 A Curse and a Gift Part 6

The chilling wind whipped across my face. Harder with each breeze. I wrapped my arms around my chest, but not really from the cold.

Jacob had somehow sensed his girlfriend the previous night when he was meditating or whatever. Of flippin' course, they were on the top of a snow capped mountain. We didn't have a tun of money, and for some reason ski shops are more stingy when it comes to giving freebies to a celebrity.

As we walked up the strange area in complete contrast to where we had been 3 hours earlier, I continued to feel pains in my back and chest. At first they were little nuisances, but then they started becoming worse.

I soon began to slow down from pain. I grunted aloud, good that I had when I did, because otherwise Jacob might have gone on and not been able to hear me.

He rushed to my side. He knelt beside me. "You all right?"

I kind of moaned in reply.

"Is it the cold?"

"" I managed to squeeze out.

"Then what-" He stopped. I was barely able to open my eyes. In front of me was a Sandshrew, much like I had been months ago. Except this one was a pale blue. It didn't make sense for it to be in the snow. It was looking at me curiously, almost as if I was a long lost brother.

Jacob snapped his fingers. "Of course..." He looked down at me again. "The special conditions in Alola required some pokemon to change to fit their surroundings. This must be happening to you. You're a Sandslash, so you're naturally wanting to adapt."

"Then...why hurt so...much?"

He shrugged. "Not sure. Might be about your three forms currently competing for control of your body. Though one is fully under your control, that one is instinctively coming out to protect you from harm."

"...Joy." I grunted.

Jacob suddenly looked off. He frowned. "Crap. Blizzard coming."

"Oh boy..."

"Over there, I think I saw a cave." He helped me to my feet and we headed towards the small shelter.

Only a short distance from the inside, I blacked out.

I suddenly woke myself up and managed to stumble inside the cave.

"Whew. That was close." I smiled.

Jacob, who was huddled on the ground of the cavern, looked up in shock.

"What?" I asked.

" stopped moving  just outside. I tried to move you, but the blizzard hit. I barely got inside."

"Wait, are you saying-"

He motioned to the outside, and I looked to see nothing but sheer white.

"I...walked into the cave in the middle of the blizzard? I...I barely noticed."

"I guess you're okay, now."

I realized he was right. I didn't feel the pain anymore. I almost felt...good. I sighed as I sat down in the beside Jacob. "Guess we gotta wait this out."

He nodded. He held up his hand, an aura bubble appearing with small glows on it. "Aura tracker. People I'm close to show up on the circle, so I can tell where they are almost all the time."

"Heh." I smiled, before leaning back against the wall and dozing off.


I woke up as Jacob shook me.

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