Ch. 53 Universal Reset Part 8

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Ch. 53 Universal Reset Part 8

I sighed and lied down at my house. I was really getting sick of the past few days. I decided I might as well prepare myself for whatever crazy crap would happen tomorrow. I settled onto my bed and soon drifted off to sleep.


I found myself in the place in the dreams again. But somehow, it felt different this time. It didn't have that drowsy, misty feeling. Something told me it wasn't a dream anymore, but I was really there. I heard something behind me, and turned around. I saw a large creature, similar to a reindeer in its shape.

It was mostly white, with streaks of dark gray along its body and legs. Its feet were tipped with pure a pure gold color, and around its waist area was a large gold bar in the shape of a sort of sideways hourglass.

I recalled the dream I had before. "You''re Arceus."

It looked down at me. It had a very intimidating feel. " like you has awoken me. This cannot stand."

"What? What do you mean?"

"One who is like you in their energy. They have disturbed and awoken me. Admit that you have done this and perhaps I might show mercy."

I had no idea what he meant. Then suddenly it occurred to me. Dark me. I don't know how, but he had tricked Arceus into believing that I had disturbed him or something. That must have been why this universe thing was happening. Arceus couldn't figure out which version of me had done it.

I cleared my throat. "Okay, listen, I didn't have anything to do with that. I swear. It was an evil clone of me who-"

"Silence." He interrupted with a booming voice. "If you will not admit, then all of you will burn until you tell."

Suddenly, all of my surroundings disappeared, and were replaced with darkness. Ahead of me, Large clangs began to sound, and light began to flow in like from an opening door. I covered my eyes to adapt to the light, then slowly walked out.

I seemed to be in some sort of coliseum. The door I had walked through was a large gate. I looked around. There were no spectators, which seemed kind of strange, and then I heard more loud clanks. I looked to my left to see two more gates opening. Out of the first stepped someone I recognized.

It was the female version of me. It had only been a few days, but it already seemed like forever ago.

Out of the other door came the guy from the second world. I'm pretty sure it was Tommy. He wore a bright blue t shirt, and darker shorts, and Elecmon came out with him. 

To my right two more doors opened. From the first was someone a lot like me, but dirtier, more tired looking, and with two gun holsters on his belt. Frightening memories returned as I connected him as zombie-killer me.

And out of the final door came the most recent version of me. I don't think I need to explain.

I looked down at myself, and sure enough, I was in my own body again. I almost hugged myself, but resisted over fear of embarrassing myself in front of my inter dimensional counterparts.

I looked out, and out of a (much, much) larger gate emerged Arceus. It looked down at us. "If any of you wishes to confess, they may do so. Otherwise, you all must burn."

He held his head up, before launching an intense beam of energy into the sky.

Me number five (the last guy I mentioned) promptly fainted.

We scattered as another shot came at us. I looked back to see that zombie me had grabbed number five and carried him out of the radius. I motioned to some of them, and hoped they got the message. Thankfully at least one did, and the others followed. We ducked behind a large pillar.

"So...this is awful." I started.

"Really? That's all you got?" Tommy frowned.

"I'm being shot at by a giant death deer. Sue me for improvising."

"Are you gonna be like this the whole time we're here?" Zombie me asked.


We started trying to come up with a plan. Unfortunately, it was a little difficult since several of us had the same name. For convenience, I called zombie killer me "Z", and that other guy "5". You see? I make this convenient to read.




I hated my role in the plan.

"Sure, give the worst job to the guy without any powers. Z doesn't have any powers. But he gets to have fun just cause he's got a weapon?" I muttered to myself.

I took a deep breath behind a pillar. I sighed and stepped out from the pillar.

"Uh, hey." I called out.

Arceus turned and looked right at me. "Why do you come to me this way?"

"Uh, I just wanted say, uh, you got me. It was me."

His face didn't show any expression, but he continued. "Then you shall perish."

"Wait! Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!" It gave me a look that said it really didn't care.

"That's it? You're just gonna go? Like that? Where's the show?"

"Do you really think I don't know that trick?"

"Uh, I did...?" I did the motion that was supposed to signal that it hadn't really worked.

Todd and Tori leaped from pillars, striking him across the face from both sides. He barely stepped back. Bullets began pinging off of his chest, and Z pulled up beside me in the midst of his firing.

And...a giant lion came up out of nowhere and started punching him. I turned to Tommy. "For real?"

He shrugged. "It's kind of his thing."

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