Ch. 49 Universal Reset Part 4

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Ch. 49 Universal Reset Part 4

I opened my eyes drearily. I sat up and stretched, then studied my surroundings. The walls were all drab, grey stone. One wall, however, wasn't a wall but a series of bars. The whole thing was almost like a...

"Prison cell?" I wondered aloud as I stood up. "Why would I be in a prison cell?" I felt something cold against my leg. I reached into my pocket and removed a key. Sure enough, it slid into the slot, and I opened the door. "And if so, why would I have a key?"

I sat down heavily on the pathetic bed. I heard a soft thump, and looked under the bed in surprise to see a strange book. It wasn't very thick, probably just a pocket book. I pulled it out and blew some dust off of it. I opened the first page. It seemed to be in diary format. The person didn't write their name anywhere, and I noticed the date on the first page. A little over a year ago.

I skimmed through some entries. From what I could tell, this was a prison, and the writer had been a prisoner here. It didn't seem from his wording that he would get out anytime soon, so why wasn't he here?

I came to a page that was suddenly blank. Curious, I flipped cautiously over. I read the date, which was a little over 7 months ago. I studied the words.

Something's going on. Least, that's what Jones tells us. His cell is real close to the guard's quarters, and he hears a lot. He says he's heard some weird stuff. Something about an outbreak. Something about bites. Government apparently trying to keep something contained. He says they sounded worried, like something big was gonna happen.

I swallowed as I turned the page. The next day's entry.

Jones didn't talk about something different today. That means whatever it is, it's important. Apparently the situation they were trying to control isn't goin' so well. He heard some more stuff. About cities falling apart. Destroyed towns. Government forces turning. 

And monsters. Terrible monsters. Some of the guys don't believe him, but he insists this is what he's heard. And he's scared, man.

There were no entries for the next about a week. The next entry read:

We know Jones is right. The Warden sent guards out to the courtyard to "form a perimeter". I think whatever they'd need a perimeter for, it must be pretty bad. No one knows what's gonna happen next. All we know is one thing. Something's coming.

The next day.

The guards are gone. I know they are. Some guys think they just abandoned us, but I know they're gone. I heard a scream last night. Horrible. Piercing. And a scream that I've learned only comes with fear of death. It's only us and some cooks now. No one else is here.

And the next.

There's been sounds all day. Scratching and growling, haunting us from behind the thick stone walls. The doors are beginning to creak. This may be our last few days. 

I turned the page one more time. This page was more scrunched up. Marks were all over it, but three frantically scratched out words were visible. 


And in the bottom corner of the page, a blood stain.

"What have I gotten myself into...?"

I reached to put the book under the bed again. As I did, my hand touched something cold under the pillow. I put the book down and pulled it out. It was a gun. Black, and horrifically shiny. I held it delicately as I felt my heart beat faster.

"Todd." A commanding voice sounded from down the hall. It startled me, and if I had fumbled my hands more, I might have either dropped or fired the gun.

I turned around and shoved the gun under the pillow. I saw a large man come up to the cell door. His face was rough, and he looked like he'd seen a lot. He wore a sheriff's hat on his head, and I noticed a gun strapped into his belt.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Uh, sure." I replied as naturally as possible.

He came in and leaned up against a wall. He pulled his hat down over his eyes. "Listen, I know this has been crazy, and you've had a lot on your mind. You've seemed different lately, like something's always confusing. Are you alright?"

I gulped. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure? I'd hate to lose you because of something distracting you."

"No, I'm alright. It's just, uh, it's just a lot to take in."

I heard a voice yell down the hall. "Rick!"

The man stood up, becoming deadly serious. His hand went to his belt. His gun.

"They're coming." He muttered. He turned and began to walk out of the cell.

"Who's coming?" I asked. 

"Who do you think?" He replied. I gave him a look that I think clearly said I had no idea.

He pulled out his gun and did something with it. "The monsters."

I sat down slowly. My breathing accelerated. I felt the gun under the pillow once more.

"What in the hell have I gotten myself into...?"

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