Ch. 74 The Beginning of the End Part 2

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Ch. 74 The Beginning of the End Part 2

"So, what is going on here?" I muttered. The creature in front of me was a strange abomination combining several strange Pokemon. As I studied it, I realized that a number of its body parts were familiar, from Pokemon we had faced before. It had a large pair of muscular arms, which were extremely reminiscent of the large Pokemon we had faced when our identities were revealed. It had large claws like those of dark me's Pokemon form. It also had other parts I didn't recognize, but the face was awful.

Strange purple smog drifted from its head, a lot like the Gastly we had fought when we first started. The head combined a seemingly human face with that of said Gastly and other Pokemon, and it did not look happy.

"Wow. That is awful."

"YOU!!" The voice was terrible, a combination of a deep groveling voice, screeching and growling. It gave me a splitting headache with the sheer volume. "You RUINED me!"

"And you immediately choose to go all super bad guy on us? You don't even consider any other options? Wow. It's a wonder people liked you."

He responded by trying to smash my face into the pavement. He attacked remarkably fast, and I wasn't able to make a smooth dodge, rolling across the ground on the landing. He immediately snatched me and tossed me straight into the ground. I winced as I rolled over, and then noticed the foot prepared to flatten me.

"Oh cru-" I felt like my skeleton was thrown out of my body, and in an instant, I found myself looking at the open street. "...what the hell just happened?"

"ExtremeSpeed." Lucario replied, panting slightly. "I had to push the limits a little."

"Appreciated." I noted. "He's fast. Faster than I thought."

"Probably some part of all that DNA that gives him the speed."

"Think you can keep him busy for a few minutes?" I asked. "I gotta make a call."

"I'll do what I must." He turned back towards the giant monster and rushed into battle.

I whipped out my phone and started dialing. It was a wonder I managed to keep the same phone in one piece throughout everything that had happened in my life. "Doc? Yeah, it's me. Hope the team's feeling better, cause we need 'em bad."


I was sick of being flung to the ground.

His speed was incredible, and his senses prevented me from getting close even from behind. After only a few minutes of fighting, I had to catch a break to spew bits of pavement from my mouth.

I looked at him again from a distance. He was terrifying. A combination of everything we ever faced together. He was strong, fast, and deadly. I was beginning to become scared, and wondered if we'd ever be able to beat him.

No. Together. That's how we had won before, that's how we would do it again. This guy was just another fight. And this was the fight to end it all.

I rushed up at full speed and held onto his head. "Alright, buddy...let'!"

I managed to concentrate enough to get my mental powers poking through his brain. I could see so much, but it was all incredibly distorted. It was like all the memories had been tainted with some sort of virus. I tried to find a way to defeat him, but before I could, I felt something pushing back. I winced and tried to fight back, but I lost concentration from all that I had to do physically and mentally at the same time.

I fell onto the ground and was kicked several feet away. I groaned as I got up slowly. Something about that had felt familiar. Something in his mind felt like something I had experienced a long time ago. Almost like when...

Kadabra (Author note: see chapter 29 of the original Pokemon Max story).

He had used Kadabra's DNA in that formula.

"You little son of a-" 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to find Taylor with the rest of my friends standing there, waiting. "Ready to kick his butt?"

I grinned, with a new resolve to fight filling my blood. "Hell yeah."


I led the team into the fight. Before we could get close, I broke us off and yelled, "Nelly, Joey! Spin to win!" Nelly used the flaps on her arms to give Joey a large gust of wind, which boosted his spin as he used his traditional top-like kick. He rammed into the creature at high speed, and I grinned at the skill of the impact.

He bounced off like a rag doll.

After rolling a short distance along the ground, Joey stumbled to his feet as I rushed over to him. "I'm...I'm good! I'm...good..."

I grumbled some profanities that probably weren't good to say near a kid. "He is so gonna get it."  

I grabbed Joey and took him back out to the team. We all tried almost every technique we knew, but nothing was getting him to stay down. Suddenly something occurred to me.

"Lucario." I muttered to my self, slightly out of breath. I scanned around and couldn't see any real signs of him. I saw a pile of rubble, and decided to check it out. I hurried over to it and began sifting through, hoping to find something. I threw a few rocks out of the way, and suddenly something stirred inside. A familiar blue and black paw emerged, and lifted a dusty, damaged Lucario from the pile.

"Thank goodness. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I believe so...thank you. I am extremely drained, though. I do not know how much longer I will be able to hold my natural form."

"Hmm." I turned back to the big guy and was reminded of something. "So if he's still mostly Pokemon, then he has limited energy. If we hit him enough he should finally go down."

"Yes, I suppose so. Why?"

"Cause I just got an idea."

I called the team over, and quickly explained my makeshift idea. Nelly and Joey performed their spin technique again, while Lucario boosted Taylor into a jumping kick at the big guy's body. Harper blasted him with water to keep him busy.

As all the attacks came at once, he was knocked back and fell over. Adrian carried me through shadows along the ground, and as soon as we were underneath the guy, I stuck up a poisoned claw and jabbed him in the back.

As we took a brief rest from the intensity of the moment, he began to stand again. "F-FOOLS! You cannot hope to...urgh..."

"What's the matter, buddy? Not feeling too great? That's called Toxic. A technique that thanks to you, I was able to learn. Always wanted to give it a good test. I guess this will have to do."

"No...NO!!" He stumbled over to me, and I politely stepped out of his way. He continued to try to do so, and continued to fail from his exhaustion.

"That's the thing about guys like me and you. People who want to make a difference. We often create our worst enemy. Except in your case, you went nuts and juiced yourself on something that probably wasn't healthy."

I stepped over and nodded to Taylor. She lifted me up and hurled me at him. I slammed into his body, knocking him onto his back. I looked into his eyes, filled with rage and confusion. "You've had my every move be exactly what you want it to be. But this time?"

Lucario stepped next to me.

"Checkmate. WE win."

Lucario blasted an Aura Sphere.

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